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Looks to me like you focused more on the contour and not on the gesture. Go through the e-book and find rhythms to connect all the body parts. Stan demonstrates it in his demo very well
Couldn't download the images, so I found some on pexels.
Stephen Clark
There are some good rhythms and shapes here, making the curve of the bodies feel like cohesive wholes. Way to go!
Asked for help
I feel I've messed up the angle.
I think I'm gonna make it part of predrawing exercises. The lines are still a bit messy, but feels more confident to me than they were at the beginning.
Here are some loomis heads, I'm not sure how accurate I was when looking at photo references, I tried keeping the heads in similar proportion and only focused on the angle. Any feedback would be appreciated.
Those looks really neat. And thank you so much for the references.
Well, hello, the thing I'm gonna practice for the rest of my life.
Couldn't download the photo, so I found some on pinterest.
Tried to draw something from imagination. Well, it didn't go so well. The table lines were organized by importance, sneakers were for depth, and the chair was for the shadow.
Léo Ikhlef
You really challenged yourself ! This is great. When learning new concepts, though, its also nice to be "lazy" so that you can learn faster ! But you did great : - The second leg feel further away ! - That chair feels highlighted from the top left, and catch shadows under it. Maybe try being lighter on your lines when drawing highlights, so that the shadows/dark lines stand out even more ! Also, when touching an other surface, objects tends to be darker (no light in that area), so I'd also make the legs of the chair darker at the bottom. Overall, you greatly understood the concept, hope you keep it up :)
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