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Here is my assignments thx, by the way what kind of brush Stan used in this demo? Im using procreate in ipad.
Asked for help
2023/06/01/ followed stan's demo ,step by step. nice tutorial . thanks stan!
my first try without stan's demo ..
Jean-François (Jeff) Durix
Here is my first try .
Here is my attempt. my shading is unclear and chaotic.OTZ
Here are my assignments. any critiques appreciate .
Jesper Axelsson
Hi @younchen, nice studies! The anatomy, shading and forms look pretty good! And nice shape design. - Try to be more aware of space. Before you start drawing, figure out which part of the body is closest to the viewer, and which one is furthest. In your 2nd drawing for example, I don't really feel that the left leg is diving into space. It feels a bit like everything in the drawing is on the same picture plane. Having a clear understanding of how things are oriented in space, allows you to communicate depth clearly. Use the tools at your disposal to communicate depth (size, placement, shape, soft/hard edges, wrapping the shading around the forms, directional hatching, value, etc.). -The underlying drawing isn't very strong. The overall shape of the leg doesn't correspond well to the reference (you tend to make it too straight), and the proportions are a bit off (you tend to elongate the leg). I think you would benefit from doing some drawings where you break down the leg into very simple shapes, and try to design them with gesture. Kinda similar to what you might see @Mike Mattesi doing. As a complement to your anatomy studies I would highly recommend practicing some timed figure drawing, where you get to focus on the figure as a whole. I think you would benefit from mimicking Glenn Vilppu's work. I like his approach of starting with a flow, then containing it with forms. He explains this at 21:00 in this Drawing Demo by Glenn Vilppu. If you do some figure drawings, feel free to tag me (@Jesper Axelsson), if you want some feedback :) Hope this helps :) Keep up the good work!
2022/11/28 Here is my attamption without tutorial. Have nice day
2022/11/18 my assignments here , really enjoy this process
2022/11/17 followed stan's tutorial step by step
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