Common Mistakes of Drawing Breasts

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Common Mistakes of Drawing Breasts

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Assignment: Draw the Breasts

The assignment for this lesson is to do some quicksketch gesture drawings. Focus on how to position and motion of the body affects the shape of the breasts. And of course, don’t forget about the pec muscle under the breast tissue. I’ve provided some reference photos in the link below. If you’re not sure how to do a gesture drawing, refer back to the gesture lesson in the figure drawing course. Grab your breast pencil and bust out some drawings! Man, the puns are really racking up. I gotta milk it for all it’s worth.
Kassjan (Kass) Smyczek
I have been drawing a lot but not uploading my assignments. So that‘s what I am doing now. I am in the Us for a couple of months and I don‘t have my scanner here - so I am trying my best to get good photos in natural light.
The chinese CC transcript is not working on this video?
Tom Simpson
Here are my gesture drawings from this assignment. I was working quite small (each one is on an A4 sheet, which is similar to U.S. letter size) and it was probably a mistake! I think they are a little stiff and tentative as a result. I'll probably go up to A3 for the next drawing excercises. Critiques welcome!
Melanie Scearce
Drawing larger can definitely give you more range of movement with your arm to make more expressive lines. But I think you nailed this assignment. Nice work!
Rachel Dawn Owens
Nice work!
Giorgi Karkuzashvili
I guess my main focus was on figures. The key is to consistently repeat it and get better!
Liu Bide
Steve Lenze
These are great!
Breasts, my go.)
Saucy Mare
Did you have trouble getting the reference pictures? I can't seem to download them.
Yoyo Yang
Critique is welcome~ THANK YOU!
Waner Hoogleiter
The coastal number obsesses me.
Rachel Dawn Owens
I believe these are the 9th and 10th ribs and you are correct identifying the 6th rib in the other image.
hello, here are my attempts, the gesture are still need to be improved, I am not sure can someone feel the flow in my drawings, I can't :( I re-watched and practice many times the gesture lesson, hope I will see my improvement soon. Oh, and I am super struggle with the photo6, so I drew it more than 1 drawing. Photo 10 is also hard for me. Looking forward some feedback, thank you.
Steve Lenze
Make sure the breast feels like it is wrapping around the ribcage.
I attempted at adding anatomy over my original gesture sketches.
my first attempt at the gesture sketches
Karas Rijji
I attempted the proper way in each sketch, I want to become as concise as stan's demonstration
Manuel Rioja
My assigments ready for this leson
Steve Lenze
On checking out other submissions and the example videos.. maybe I was wrong to assume this was meant to be quick sketch 😅 Regardless here’s my gesture drawings - I did take a bit of extra time to focus on the form of the breasts
Hi everyone! These drawings are my assignments for the breasts lesson . Other than the poses sent in the downloads , i've did some gesture drawings but i forgot to take the references for them . Anyway, i think the worst drawing out all of them is the one on the right in the third photo, it just doesn't feel natural to me the way i drew it. I would really appreciate any kind of feedback and critique.
The line of the breast where it connects to the armpit it looks like it’s curving ever so slightly inward toward the rib cage. Perhaps try curving slightly outwards towards the armpit like you did in the drawing next to it? To get a smoother transition
Jesper Axelsson
Nice studies! The breasts look pretty good in the drawing to right in the third photo, but the pose is a bit unbalanced. Her right foot doesn't appear to be planted against the ground plane as in the photo, but more like she's on her toes. That gives me the feeling that she's about to fall back. - Overall I think you did a pretty good job drawing the breasts. I might study how the breasts interact with the pecs a bit more (eBook: The Breasts page 1) . There is some ambiguity about that in your drawings. In image 8 for example, you have the brest mass pointing to the upper humerus, but that's the pec's job. In image 7 you have the outer contour of the breast overlap the pec, when it's actually the opposite. - As for general drawing: I think your drawings need more gesture. By that, I don't necessarily mean more exaggeration in the posing, but making sure that there is a flow connecting everything. It could be the flow running through the body, the gesture of the pose so to speak, but also a flow between unrelated parts of the body, to make sure that you get a harmonic composition. Maybe you'll find this post and my paintover in it interesting Gesture, gesture, GESTURE! It's a superimportant concept, that holds your work together and makes it come a live. It doesn't have to be as obvious as in Heinrich Kley's work and traditional animation drawing. It could be subtle like in this painting by Rafael The gesture is there holding it all together, but it's "hidden". You might appreciate checking out this Drawing Demo by Glenn Vilppu Hope this helps :) Keep up the good work!
Myles Goethe
Dylan Doster
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Founder of Proko, artist and teacher of drawing, painting, and anatomy. I try to make my lessons fun and ultra packed with information.
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