This lesson is a continuation of chapter 1 where we learn how color moves by reducing your palette to two simple complementary colors.

Had a go in oils. Goes without saying that mixing colours was difficult and I missed having "undo". I think using greys broadly worked though.

Oh wow, It's incredibly easy to lose the values. The stairs look off, but I managed colors better than I hoped for
Emily Bryant
I made a thumbnail based on the video work and then decided to try with some different colors on a photo of a mountain. It was as struggle at first, but then I really started seeing what you meant by "moving" colors

Followed along. I definitely preferred the version with the less saturated purples.

Thank you @Marco Bucci for this great course. And thanks to all the students posting their work. After watching the lessons mutliple times and setting up my own homework assignments along, i now finished everything. Definitley gonna rewatch it in the future and give some assingments a 2nd try.
Vy Vo
I love this lecture.
Giulia Pozzi
Hi lovely people! :) I norMally don't paint and I avoid colors - so this was out of my comfort zone! Please, if anyvody feels like givibg some feedback, I'd be really grateful.
PS. I did't use the original drawing because I figured out too late how to dowaload material from the course... so I made my own.
Many things aren't finished - materials aren't cler, I'm unsure about values, etc. Please go ahead and tell me EVERYTHING!!! THANK YOU <3
Jake Miller
Gave it my first go with red and cyan, since I've painted a lot like this before, but I've never been the best with colour or environments. I tend to give up long before they're really cleaned up or fully finished, but I am happy enough with this! I like the ominous feel.
Ruth Klopcic
first time trying digital painting. excited about this class!

Loved doing this. I also love how everyones painting is unique yet with the same principles!

Definitely have a lot to work on, especially in terms of value/difference between shadow and light. Looking forward to learning more
Giulia Pozzi
values are super hard!!! Good job on getting the assignment done :)

Really like how this one turned out! Thanks Marco!

It was a great lesson! Thank you!

Here's my attempt! I think the exercise was very interesting! I would have liked to play a bit more with the saturation since I think I played it rather safe. I also normally never use textured brushes or transparency so this was a bit tricky to figure out. If anyone has any feedback I'll gladly listen!
Sasha Yu
I learned so much from this lesson! This was so much fun. I tried to paint a different light source and different colours to apply the lesson rather than copy the result. Was this successful? Is the light source correct? Do the colours retain harmony? Any and all feedback appreciated.
I think the colours still retain harmony, but maybe they could be pushed a tad further, using the hard light method he described!
Edward Burgos
Here was my attempt at the chapter 1 lesson. I think in terms of color I could've done a better job in setting the background apart from the foreground. I tried saturating the yellows more than the purples like in the video but I feel like there's something missing in terms of color. It may be that I didn't use that saturation economy well like Marc discusses, not too sure at the moment so I'll have to think it over.
Sophie Pf
I never thought to start out with neutrals like this, so this has been an eye opener for me!

Jake Selwyn-Graham
Took a while to come together. Ended up being ok. Really liking this course so far! Any constructive feedback?
Alexander Mehl
From the video (1a)
Alexander Mehl
Alexis Saldivar
So question, would you recommend always starting a painting with neutral grays?
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About instructor
Marco Bucci began serious study of art when he was 19. He began with drawing fundamentals for 3 years before discovering a love for painting.