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Rohit M
A bit late on this, but took my time in trying to draw with perspective - still the meat grinder from a 'ant' view looks odd to me - will try again. Tried to make a story out of level 2 figures - had fun! Now, going to watch the demos.
Great work! I think the meat grinder from an ant perspective feels off because it should converge more to the top. When you’re dealing with more extreme perspective, things start distorting a lot more at the edges. If you try to draw just a cube from an ant POV, you’ll see why everything distorts, since everything needs to be in that smaller space. Keep up the awesome drawings!
Lenserd martell
i am too late
Man, these look great, awesome work!
I made a treehouse too! It's a little on the safe side. But I'm quite happy with it. For perspective I angled the upper house as if looking up on it, and the bottom house like I'm almost at eye level (but looking from a distance, say a small hill. I hope that comes across. I've included my ideas page as well with the rough idea (and a second idea).
Interesting concept and nice designs! One thing I would suggest is to perhaps focus more on your cross-contours, they're making the tree itself look flatter than it should be. If you captured the roundness of the cylinders, it would make the drawing have much more depth! Keep it up :)
Mon Barker
Some ‘bonny’ sea creatures. And a monkey-piglet hybrid thing….🤔
Man, that's some nightmare fuel
Edo Moya
Well those gingers where a real meditation, so nice to draw. I decided to work the beetle a little loose because it was more enjoyable that way 🪲 hehe sorry about that. I'll try another round of different creatures tomorrow morning and see how it goes.
Such awesome line weight on those gingers, really cool!
onigi *pronunce [on-ie-gee]*
Thank you so much for the critique!
I found it hilarious that you show how to pronounce your name, and he goes "I'll name you Pronounce"
This is really a box question. I'm posting it here, as for me it'll help me understand the foundation box at the beginning of the monster truck. I looked at earlier videos but didn't resolve my issue. When you get to the end of the video you ghost in the back of the box (truck) to include the Cylindrical unit ( Turbo Fan). I tried to copy this to the box posted below but it didn't look right. I kept rubbing out the lines as it just looked odd. I thought I'd draw the 3 point ? initial box and Ghost in the back of the box. No matter how I ghost it in, it looks weird. Adding the ghost lines also seems to change the illusion of how I see the box from beneath. Can anyone advise how to go about this. It could be that my starting 3point box is wrong ? Thanks
Hi there! Hope I can help out! I think there are several key things that aren't working, and I'll approach the box on top, and then the one on the bottom. - For the box on top, the main problem is that the box is not in 2 or 3 point perspective, since lines aren't converging anywhere. This is the reason why the box on the top and bottom look so different, perspective is being done differently. However, the "x-ray vision" concept doesn't require a 2 or 3 point perspective, and can even be done for parallel boxes in isometric view, which is the case for your box. The trick is that you have to copy the angles, and trace a line starting from the point until it's supposed to finish, and then the intersections will give you the "hidden" points! For 2 or 3 point perspective, it's the same theory, but that's better explained for the box below. - The box below is also not in 3 point perspective, as the vertical lines don't seem to converge, but you do have two vanishing points. The key problem with this is that you're guessing the angles of the bottom plane, when in fact they should be lines to the respective vanishing points. Since it's a box, all the lines will have to converge to the same points for the perspective to work. The "x-ray" vision here is established the same way, keep drawing lines from a given point to the respective vanishing point, and intersections will be your next points to trace next! Since this might seem complicated, I've color coded a "timelapse" of a box being drawn in 2 point perspective. The only difference between this and a 3 point is that the vertical lines would be converging to somewhere above the box. Here's a run-down of what I did: - trace a single line (grey) - carry the two points to the two vanishing points, resulting in 4 lines (orange) - connect the top and bottom planes to figure out the width and length of the box (blue) - carry those 4 points to the respective vanishing points, resulting in 4 lines (green). These should intersect, which gives you exactly what you need! - connect the intersecting points (purple) And those are the steps for a correct 2 point perspective!
Thanks for the Cylinder and Ellipses tutorial. I realise the explanation is eyeballing ellipses and not precision. I've watched it several times, but miss the point how you established the Major Axis and it's offset from the centre. When I look at the completed drawing, I'm left uncertain of the Major Axis reference points, which when joined define the Major axis.
That's the key part I'm having difficulties with! Hope Stan covers this a bit more in the critique section!
Asked for help
Level UNO
Great work! If I can give some feedback it would be to try one of these again, but this time trying to align the rotation of the cube as closely as you can to the rotation of the finger section / palm. I think that will make your hand look even cooler and closer to the reference! I added a rough sketch of what I mean next to yours. Even though I did speed run this drawing a bit, and reduced the accuracy of what I'm trying to convey, I hope you can still see a bit of what I'm talking about! Again, awesome work!
Here's my Level 1 and Level 2. I intend to do another one after the critique, but this was quite a bit trickier than anticipated. I struggled quite a bit with the overlapping forms, didn't want to do unrealistic cubes in the sense that they would be "inside" one another, but that left me with some big gaps that shouldn't be there. I think I didn't do too bad, but would love some feedback!
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