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added comment inAssignment - Melted Pancakes with Philip Dimitriadis
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I wish I could've done more, but I had different priorities so going thorugh proko content went on the wayside. I still made some time to do these 30 minutes for a few days hopefully in time for the deadline.
Ok, so perspective exersises like these aren't new to me, but I'm still not very skilled at freehanding my lines so they are wonky and not always in the direction I wanted them to be. I also needs some tips on keeping the the wings simmatrical in size and shapes when there is a lot of foreshortening. the wings on the fourth plane are clearly not right.
It was good practice though. I did one airplane type that is a different variation, based of a photo.
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Spatula, salt shaker, brush (simplified), ink bottle and finally I challenged myself with a hair clip. I got close with most of them! Though my cylinder-drawing skills could use some more practice.
I dont think I understanding things correctly
You are doing great! My feedback would be to have more confidence with setting your lines.
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So here are the last three I did (practiced it multiple days)
The first row of the first page is without rotating the paper, on a flat table. The horizontal line as well as most lines after 90 degrees are best. Where I struggled was anything below 90 degrees..
The second row is with rotation also on table, which is much easier because I can just take the easiest direction for my muscle memory.
The third page I did on a drawing board, so not a flat surface. No rotation either. I I expected my accuracy to be better as it usually is when drawing on a drawing board, but the angles are actually more off here, I think because my arm behaves diferently when drawing on an elevated surface.
I also tried moving my arm in different directions (up or down).
In this session I found the results were getting worse in the last circles. Could it be fatigue?
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Overlap: very clear overlap with the buildings, one building is in front of another.
Convergence: Theres a lot of elements converging to different points. The buildings and the character at the front towards one, the aircrafts and bridges all to their own converging point.
Dimunition: windows, aircrafts and humans are all smaller the further away.
Foreshortening: Everywhere, but most noticeable on the buildings. The sides of the buildings are narrower and have narrower windows than the planes that are facing us, and also get even narrower the further away they go.
Atmosphere: it’s subtle, but it seems the colors have a slight darker value the further away. It’s a night scene.
Overlap: the buildings overlap each other.
Convergence: Everything in the image goes to a single converging point. You get really sucked in as a result.
Diminution: the motorcyclists get smaller further away.
Foreshortening: Same as moebius, the building side planes and windows are narrower than planes facing towards us. The motorcyclists also get more squished at the front than in the back, you can clearlky see the difference in size and narrowness of the front and back wheels.
Atmosphere: The figures disappear in a sort of white mist. The buildings in the back reflect the colors of the sky more intensely, making them almost part of it.
Junji ito:
Overlap: The characters at the front stand in front a bush, which stands in front of the labyrinth.
Convergence: You can draw a rectangle around the labyritnth and find that the lines will converge. You can also subtly see it in the hedges witch have hatches that, if you were to lengthen them, would also roughly follow convergence towards the middle.
Diminution: The characters are very big in the front compared to everything in the background. But we know from context and other perspective clues that the labyrinth is supposed to be much bigger.
Foreshortening: the backhalf of the labyrinth seems shorter than the front half.
Atmosphere: the furthest part of the labyrinth has less hatches and thus reads lighter.
Overlap: the chair and the table overlap each other, the table overlaps the man, the woman overlaps the man, the window is open and overlaps the window frame and part of the wall.
Convergence: The table, bench and woman on the chair converge to a point straight ahead front. The chair, window and guitar are on another converging point further to the side.
Foreshortening: Everything that follows convergence naturally also foreshortens. Mosyt noticeable on the woman, the table and the guitar.
Atmosphere: The floor and wall get lighter the further away from us.
Wait what. I had no idea you could press graphite from transparent paper on normal paper with your nail like that! I've been angrily working with my crappy copy machine instead.
This one is in graphite pencil. Want to try charcoal too soon. I mismeasured a little bit and everything is a bit longer below the navel. But it's not very noticable. Does anyone have any more critiques?
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Didn't initially intend to make this a complete artwork but I thought it was cute. The other image is the measured out base drawing.
Really liked this one. Did you stack the triangles to create the angles for the buildings?
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Not in order. but the artist featured are Moebius, art of Akira manga and anime (multiple artists, but I'm very impressed by the environmental designs), Junji Ito, Johannes Vermeer, Rembrand, Leonardo Danvinci and Escher,
I can do basic one point, two point and three point perspective, but I mostly run into issues when have to rotate objects, when O need to place subjects in an environment proportional to their size and I also still struggle with cilindrical objects (although I've watched a lot of tutorials and I theoratically know how it works).
It would also be cool to be able to draw more advanced and distorted perspectives eventually.