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Giulia Pozzi
added comment inChapter 5a - Color Palette
I still find it hard to make colors vibrate, but I definitely understand way more about them now! I shall be making many more versions of this, trying different palettes and trying to really push colors as far as possible!
Giulia Pozzi
this was a split complementary palette... aaaaaah why does it look so dull?!
Giulia Pozzi
Pumpkin study! Happy wih how colors vibrate! Still usure about how to make more alive the shadows in overcast...!
I see so many ways in which both of these could have been better! But I am still happy because given where I started from this is much more vibrant and alive already.
At a certain point I had to stop. I spent about 30 minutes on the green guy, and one hour (!!!) on the purple one!
Making progress, but still struggling! I'm amazed at how I don't really need color picking when I understand better what is going on in the photo in terms of colors...
and an ugly photo study. Hopefully it'll get better once I get a hang of it!
If anybody has any feedback... I've never really played with colors before... I find it really challenging.
Fun! :))) Thank you, Marco.
Playing a bit with the knowledge gained in this wonderful lesson...! Wanted to share because this makes me happy. Also please if anyone has any piece of adivce I'm all ears! Work in progress.
Definitely have a lot to work on, especially in terms of value/difference between shadow and light. Looking forward to learning more