2B: Minor Assignment 2
2B: Minor Assignment 2
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Ideacraft: How To Draw Pictures That Speak Louder Than Words

Part 1 - Ideation Fundamentals(44 Lessons )
Tried to keep them with in 3 values, it was difficult not trying to add too much and keep them simple. Squinted my eyes a lot to make some of the details blur and focus on the big shapes. I probably spent more time on these then I should have especially trying to chip away at the white areas with my eraser.
Viacheslav [ki-Vi] Polianskii
Truth be told: that was a little confusing occasionally) Will need to try it a few more times!) The hardest part, probably - was not going after details, kept forgetting about it, and dragging other problems with it) But I really enjoyed the exercise! Thanks! As far as questions&thoughts go: 1. Changed shadows to mid-tones (thumbnail on the right) (I think) it kept the dramatic aspect of the photo but added a surreal feel, kept me thinking about that death cartoon [tale of 3 brothers] from Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows) the person is, clearly, going out of this world in one way or another) And the closer guy is watching 2. Jumping to the high key with inverted shadows and highlights (thumbnail on the left) (I think) upsets the balance and even though the meaning might be similar to a first experiment, now they go out with a bang👀😂 It is clearly the end, for both dudes, I think they both are about to be wiped out and the closest to us is more of a bystander now, rather then watcher/follower Anyway, hope everyone is having a nice day and see you all tomorrow!) p.s. finally tried Affinity Designer on an iPad, I loved: working with references and artboards + all possible effects and adjustments from Photo World but brushes and the act of digital painting seemed to be nicer in Procreate. Anyway, I think thumbnailing and working with the first stages of ideas - is way easier
I did the exercise with pencils because I'm not yet very familiar with digital. I tried to be uniform so as not to distract the eye from the tonal values.
Sterling Hundley
No pressure to work digitally, at all! All three came out very strong, @lucat ! Reminds me of a bit of the old Spy VS Spy cartoons. Have you seen them?
First I've messed up with mediums I never use (I'm an oil painter and I do my sketches with charcoal and graphite pencil, rarely do monocolour watercolours, never digital). So I've quit the black paper thing unfinished. Then, I've chosen the less complicated composition and understood the assignment. Every thumbnail had a different mood and hierarchy of elements. I should work more on thumbnails and learn what to leave behind.
Sterling Hundley
Please use any medium that you feel comfortable with! Choosing to leave information out is a big part of thumb nailing! It comes with time and experience. Nice work on these @Basak !
Eduardo Rubio
I was really enjoyed to make this assignment, I will be making more of these for sure. It can change the way that pictures looks, very interesting!
Sterling Hundley
An interesting note- directors will often shoot ""night scenes" in the middle of the day now and change the color of the film, as well as the values to make it look like nighttime.
Eric Eye
3 versions. Tried to keep this as quick and loose as possible. That in itself is helpful for learning.
Sterling Hundley
Effective and efficient, @Eric Eye Love those clouds- I'm always interested when shape and design introduces something different from what you expect to see. Soft clouds as hard edged shapes is a deliberate, stylistic choice that moves away from what we actually see. That type of design decision puts you on the right path to finding a sale and ultimately, your personal voice.
Pamela D
I created four versions, three different values for the sky and three different foregrounds. Having chosen a less complicated scene it helped me see subtle ways the the elements took the eye through the scene, with the rolled up sleeve in the foreground, pointing to the men on the right and then the tilt of their hats towards the house, along with the two small square structures between the men leading to the house.
Sterling Hundley
@Pamela D It's interesting how the rolled up sleeve helped bring a bit of value down into the ground plane, as well as how it help legibility. Nice solution!
Taylor Starnes
Tried doing this first in charcoal, and decided to do it again digitally with Procreate and it was a lot easier to read. It was a fun assignment that definitely had me struggling to not slip into muscle memory as far as value goes, so I was kept engaged the whole time.
Sterling Hundley
I love charcoal, but it is a lot less forgiving than digital on this type of exercise. But, perhaps that we still love traditional materials? They force us to make decision and to respond to them.
Fran Turner
I had good fun with this assignment. The image I find most compelling is the one with black figures on a white background. It’s also the least realistic. I tried to teach myself to do this with Procreate but the learning curve was too steep for the amount of time I had. So I resorted to old fashioned pencil and paint.
Sterling Hundley
The image with the white bg reminds me a bit of Egon Schiele's cityscapes. Regarding Procreate- the selection tools still don't make sense to me. Could be that I'm too used to Photoshop at this point, but it doesn't feel intuitive for me.
Sterling, I like your recommendation of seeing a version of treating the figures into the ground plane, with the same value. I also enjoy the mystery of seeing a hint of the characters', but not their full form. Now I can see this can be stretched a lot father, but I'll leave these as they are. For now.
Thanks for the comparison; the figure/ground plane grouping is appealing
Struggle with the separation/contrast; gravitate to the mid tones…2nd simplified version; think I need to put a time limit on myself😁
Sterling Hundley
Time limits can help, for sure! These small exercises and all the minor exercises shouldn't take more than an hour. (What I mean to say is that you shouldn't spend more than an hour- like all art, they can always take all the time we will give them!)
It was an interesting image for this exercise we chose. I enjoy the sketch lines, stylized version of yours! :)
Dax Hansen
Days of Heaven. As a kid, I had an Issue of National Geographic which featured the work of N.C. Wyeth illustrations for Treasure Island (a title that only the best illustrators are called to do ;), as well as his son Andrew Wyeth's Christina's World. It haunted me, literally gave me unsettling dreams. Days of Heaven has so much of that visually as well. Incredible film. Talk about images that speak... Anyways, here's my playing with that still.
Sterling Hundley
Dax- what a great issue of Nation Geographic! Both amazing artists. Nice work on this image!
Sita Rabeling
Played a bit with 3 values.
Sita Rabeling
while watching the video the theme of the 3rd man starts playing in my head - Such timeless piece...
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From rocket ships to rock stars, NASA to Rolling Stone; I draw pictures that speak louder than words. Artist & Professor
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