Eduardo Rubio
Eduardo Rubio
Activity Feed
Eduardo Rubio
I've realized that I tend to elongate shapes in general. I didn't notice it when I did the one-hour drawing, but I did when I saw all the versions together. This tendency persists across them. However, I found the four-minute sketch particularly interesting and used it as the foundation for the rendered version. Moving forward, I'll be more mindful of this habit—though I may still do it, at least with awareness. Great exercise!
Dax Hansen
That's fantastic! It's interesting to see the places that are consistent and those that aren't. Well done.
Eduardo Rubio
1-Highlights. I tried to create a misty atmosphere in which the attention goes first to the sky and the roofs of the buildings on the left and then, hopefully, to the window of the building. 2-Shadows - I tried to bring the attention to the end of the street. 3-Mids. I moved the focus to the door of the big building. I enjoyed this exercise but I can't yet find a brush that fits this king of paintings (I'll keep searching…)
Eduardo Rubio
High key thumbnail
Sterling Hundley
@Eduardo Rubio Nice work here! You might benefit from a bit of shape welding in the sky and lower right portion of the ship. Once you've defined your shapes as well as you have here, choosing to lose edges can be a very nice touch.
Eduardo Rubio
I want to do more… great exercise!
Eduardo Rubio
I was really enjoyed to make this assignment, I will be making more of these for sure. It can change the way that pictures looks, very interesting!
Sterling Hundley
An interesting note- directors will often shoot ""night scenes" in the middle of the day now and change the color of the film, as well as the values to make it look like nighttime.
Eduardo Rubio
The sketch above shows the studio as it is now, designed for digital illustration. The sketch below shows how the studio would look like, thinking about adding painting and making small objects.
Eduardo Rubio
Patrick Bosworth
Nice work! These read clearly, and you achieved a great likeness with each! There are a few convergence issues here and there, make sure you're sending each line to the correct vanishing point. Also with the last face, your vanishing points are very close causing a warped perspective in the box, this causes distortion almost as if you were viewing the box/face through a fisheye lens. Placing your VPs further apart will yield a more subtle convergence and help keep features feeling natural and aligned properly. Hope this helps! Keep up the good work!
Eduardo Rubio
Asked for help
3-5 mins
Melanie Scearce
These are lovely! Very clean drawings with good rhythm.
Eduardo Rubio
after a few sketches based on the reference, I made these from memory.
Eduardo Rubio
I made this one with a different photo because I saw Stan's demo and I couldn't resist using the same measures as his. I did the project, compared my lines with the photo in PS, and then moved some of them.
Patrick Bosworth
Excellent work! Pulling that cheek rhythm slightly into the lips really pushed a lot of dimensionality and roundness into the face. Nice adjustments, great lay in!
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