Minty Guy
Minty Guy
Activity Feed
Minty Guy
Minty Guy
WEEK 1"2 minute gesture drawing practice
Minty Guy
idk why but i always feel like my pencil isnt dark enough
Minty Guy
Minty Guy
Tommy Pinedo
Interesting, both a similiar but the second one is more polished. Nice! :)
I like your 2nd attempt
Melanie Scearce
Looks great!
Minty Guy
it was really hard for me to remember to us csi lines especially for bigger strokes
Tommy Pinedo
Yes, I catch myself using my fingers and not my elbow when I draw lol. I think it becomes a habit as we continue to practice :)
Minty Guy
i should experiment more with the shapes and have more dynamic poses i hope to get more advice on how to improve
Minty Guy
here are my before and afters
Minty Guy
hers an before and after, would like some critiques thank you
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