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added comment in3 Weeks to Better Gesture Drawing
Asked for help
Week 2.

Wow they are really good, congratulations, would love to see more of your works. Do you have and ig?
After watching the demo of importance of line weight I am very confused. Stan is drawing exactly like he has told us not to. His fingers are scrunched down near the point of the pencil and instead of making a single, swift confident line, he is making short repeated sketch marks as he has told us not to do. I wish we could ask questions.
he is doing a more detailed version of a drawing in a compact space therefore he needs to use the movement of his hand and fingers more. However you should start sensing the difference even while doing so. You can use your wrist and feel the movement on your shoulder, or thats what I apply when working, try focusing on that.
Asked for help
My goal is to be able to compose any paintimg I desire to make. I want to paint with my traditional art skills but innovate with modern perspectives, however I finf myself unable to do it. Artschools in my area are not very good and they do not teach fundamentals. To be able to be as grand as the old masters I need them and therefore I hope to get a grasp on perspective with this course. I bealieve that in fine arts perspective is crucial but since they tend to stay traduonal they do not challenge the limits of it. Some great masters i admire are this:
1. The coronation of Napoleon by Jaques Louis David. Indeed this painting needed not only perspective but a great control of anatomy.
2. The raft lf the Medusa by Gericault. Its simply magestic all the bodied in a priamidal composition with such a good perspective.
3. Las meninas by Velázquez. Not only is Velázques spontanous strokes grandid but also his perspective that its just on point.
In all this paintings perspective is not expolded to maximum potential, however the fact that its correctly done brings a balance to the eye which makes the painting majestic
Eduardo Rubio
The imagination drawing it's a bit weird, but I'm happy enough to post it and continue with the course.
I love the first penguin much more and maybe some of the first. But in the second attempt I tried to focus more on the gesture and the overboard idea of everything. I think that the first penguin escence went better because of its sharpness and sassy vibes. The second hand had more gesture than the first and lastly the girl is super cool in the first one but the second deffinitly captures mcuh more the gesture. I think the frist sketches might be more attractive because of the details but in tbe second ones i left myself feel more the asignment and liberated my hand to sketching
Think I got more confident after every drawing, still made many mistakes but went for confident lines, would love to hear suggestions
I see vast improvement between all of your sketches. You're on the right track, great work.