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Had a go at one of those art manikins. Used procreate iPad this time around to sketch it out.
Blobs to planes. Great to watch Marshall demo multiple times. Can’t wait for more. So good to see everyone’s drawings. 2025 is the year we are all getting perspective. Thanks Marshall and the Proko team
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Boots gave me a kick in the bum. Top left from observation . Others from imagination . Very challenging !!. I think the challenging is knowing what a perfect cube should look like , especially under extreme foreshortened perspective. I mean having a cube to base other proportions off of. Started with a blob then a guess a where the straights should be
Had a go at boxing the torso . Used the manikin and some example from net for first ones. Then had a go a my own constructions from imagination. Fun and tough. Lots of lines to keep track of . Especially in southern hemisphere 35 degrees Celsius weather .
Stated with a rough blob then tried to add the vanishing points. Using a cube and rotating it helped to judge a square in perspective. This was great to do as i have really just been a copier . Doing these imagination simple box cars has got me pumped for more imagination constructs. Going to try an organic form round when I get the chance. Thank’s Marshal.
top one from observation. Others from imagination with a glance when getting into trouble.