Jane Monroe
Jane Monroe
Activity Feed
Zahra hassan
I am writing to request a refund of $200, which I mistakenly paid towards [describe the service or course, e.g., the incorrect course enrollment]. I would appreciate it if you could assist me in processing this refund at your earliest convenience. Please let me know if you need any additional information or documentation from my side to facilitate this process.
Jane Monroe
it starts Oct 1st
Nicholas P
Congrats to those who have finished the course. Can't wait to finish it myself once I complete my university assessments.
Jane Monroe
Monique Frish
I think I'm getting confused about the axis line you use to determine the angle of the the cranial mass. In most of your examples so far, you've placed it at the relative center of the sphere, but in the 3rd example here you have it much more off center toward the front of the face. Does the placement of this guide matter, should it be aligned with a particular part of the head? In other examples it seems to align with the ear and back of the jaw but here it seems to align more with the edge of the chin.
Jane Monroe
i'm also confused by this and would like to know :)
Jane Monroe
Yes thank you so much I always struggle with eyes!
Jane Monroe
I don't really understand the last part about the ellipse and the equator line. It doesn't make sense. How does that help you with the proportions and perspective?
Jane Monroe
I suck at measuring. Whenever math and proportions come in my brain explodes. Is this a good course for beginners to learn proportions?
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