Brent Eviston
Brent Eviston
Drawing is not a talent, it's a skill anyone can learn.
Activity Feed
貼 郭
Hand practice 1 with charcoal pencil
Brent Eviston
The proportions and shapes here are working very well.
Marco Sordi
2024/9/13. Good morning everybody. Here’s my assignment for this reel. Thanks.
Brent Eviston
Overall, these are working well. Let me know if you have any specific questions.
Marco Sordi
2024/9/14. Good morning everybody. Here’s my assignment for this reel. Thanks.
Brent Eviston
Hi, Marco! Thanks for submitting. Some of your drawings have been selected to appear in the live critique I am doing this Wednesday at 10AM (PST) on Proko's YouTube channel. I hope to see you there!
貼 郭
Lessons1 primary action line charcoal pencil (medium) it looks a bit messy,for the size of my sketch book isn't big. sorry for that.
Brent Eviston
These lines are very dynamic. I look forward to seeing how your gestures progress when you get further into the course.
Johannes Schiehsl
Brent Eviston
I really like the varied line quality. These are working well. I look forward to seeing more work!
I had to darken the lines so they'd show up in the picture :/ But I think I'm getting the concept :)
Brent Eviston
Good start! I look forward to seeing how you progress.
貼 郭
light and shadow practice with charcoal
Brent Eviston
These look great! Thank you for submitting. Let me know if you have any specific questions.
Martin Vrkljan
Brent Eviston
Hi, Martin! I'm planning on critiquing this drawing, and many other student submissions, live on Youtube on Wednesday at 10AM (PST). The livestream will be on Proko's Youtube channel.
Legs part 1
Brent Eviston
Hi, Nicole! Some of your drawings, including this one, have been selected for the live critique I'll be doing on Proko's channel this Wednesday at 10AM. I hope to see you there! If you can't be there live the stream will be available for viewing afterward.
Brent Eviston
Hello again, Nicole! All in all, good start. Some legs are looking a bit too slender; the leg on the bottom right for example. Watch those proportions! I'd also like to see additional indications of three dimensions. Try drawing more implied ellipses to show the roundedness of the these forms. But all in all, the shapes are working.
2 thru 6 again. At first I was making the torso too long and the legs too short. Tough to keep it in proportion! Thoughts? Again, forgive the quality. I had to darken the marks so they'd show up in the picture
Brent Eviston
Good start. Pay attention to where you're placing the individual lines in relationship to the other lines in the pose. That will help with proportion.
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