Kimberly Lee-Lewis Adams
Kimberly Lee-Lewis Adams
San Diego, CA
Stan Wrangler
Activity Feed
Melanie Scearce
My zero point perspective project! A mini Galaga cabinet.
Kimberly Lee-Lewis Adams
Boom! Love it!
Jennifer Hornor
im trying to download the references and it’s saying access denied
Kimberly Lee-Lewis Adams
Hey, @Jennifer Hornor! Sorry for the trouble with the downloads. Let's troubleshoot by asking the following questions: Is your browser up to date? Does this happen with other browsers? Is your operating system up to date? Is your device up to date? Do you use a VPN? These can cause issues with downloads. Do you have some kind of firewall, antivirus software, ad blockers or plugins that might block the downloads? We also recommend you try clearing the cache in your browser and reloading the page. If you are using Internet Explorer, Edge, Google Chrome, or Mozilla Firefox you can quickly clear cache with a keyboard shortcut. While in your browser, press Ctrl + Shift + Delete simultaneously on the keyboard to open the appropriate window. Let me know if any of these help!
I. But I’ve seen Stan and his team stand out as leaders in the industry of these amazing courses, and making products that are helping with our accelerate our growth. I’m sure this will unfold in perfect timing.
Kimberly Lee-Lewis Adams
The app is still in the works! No time frame for when it will be ready, but we have been chipping away at it! :)
Cameron Proctor
I am having the same problem, but I haven't been able to download any of the files that I paid for at all. It says daily download limit reached, but I haven't been able to download anything
Kimberly Lee-Lewis Adams
Morning, @Cameron Proctor ! I sent you a list of trouble shooting tips in response to your support ticket. Wanted to check in to see if you got them and if they helped! :) Let me know!
Ari a
I'm so glad this came out today. Tmr is my birthday. I will use the upcoming year to practice a lot of figure drawing in hope that I can finally improve. <3 I love your videos so much.
Kimberly Lee-Lewis Adams
Happy birthday, @Ari a !
Ross Miller
Sort of a general question. I can attach some examples if this doesn't make sense. I've been working on using the "bean" method for torsos and drawing figures and have been seeing better and better results, however I feel like i have a good grasp on it when I'm drawing from imagination, but if I am drawing from a reference I don't follow the same process and end up just drawing the outline of what I see. Any advice? Would though the reference would be easier. Is it just a case of slowing down? Thanks so much!
Kimberly Lee-Lewis Adams
Hey, Ross! We would love to see some examples if you want to share. I bet @Rachel Dawn Owens or @Melanie Scearce would love to help!
John Collado
Models in Motion - DeAngelo reference pack
Kimberly Lee-Lewis Adams
Hey, @John Collado! You can find that model pack here: But you also own it, so it should be under the Tools section of your classroom. :) Let me know if you need any additional help.
Browse the FAQs or our more detailed Documentation. If you still need help or to contact us for any reason, drop us a line and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible!