Constructing the Features From a Base Structure
Constructing the Features From a Base Structure
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Constructing the Features From a Base Structure


Constructing the Features From a Base Structure

Michael Hampton
In this session, I'm focusing on placing facial features in a more informal, life-drawing style. I emphasize the importance of understanding planes and perspective, adjusting features like the nose and mouth to fit the overall structure. By thinking through the construction and relationships between features, I aim to create a cohesive and dynamic facial drawing before moving on to detailed shading and rendering.
I wanted to ask your advice Micheal. I am having a very hard time digesting and retaining the information on the features. There is a lot of complexity in a very small area and committing it to memory is difficult for me. Do you have any suggestions from when you first started learning this information that might help?
Michael Hampton
It's just repetition. You can definitely do it if you want. But take it in small pieces. Learn one thing, get comfortable with it, build confidence, and then move to the next piece. It does take time though so try and enjoy the process and be patient.
Studies of the the anatomy of face are very interesting and helpful for me to understand the facial features better and draw the features correctly. Thank you very much, Mr. Hampton! Constructing all the features together is really difficult for me. Here are my drawings according to two Demos in this course. Meanwhile, I also practice drawing facial features individually.
Michael Hampton
Great work!
Are there any rules of thumb you can use for checking in your construction is in perspective? My features always end up skewed.
Michael Hampton
Sometimes Ill double check the planes of the head as a simple box. All features need to align to the front and side plane and be parallel to one another.
Hello, just wanted to share some more form portrait practices. I wasn’t using a pen to bring them to a finish just trying to find the simpler design of the form and usually see my mistakes more clearly that way I turn causing me to stop. For the most part I just need to pay closer attention too proportion distances of all the elements of the face as a whole. All that said this is the closest I ever came to solid head construction.
Michael Hampton
Very cool! Great studies!
Well done Lucas! I like how you handled that under jaw shape and shading. That's where I see a lot of students have trouble. Nice you included some neck anatomy too! Keep up the great work!
Best art class I have ever done. Huge thanks for your skill and efforts.
Michael Hampton
That's so nice to hear! The people at Proko deserve a ton of credit as well. They do an awesome job editing all the courses so that I make sense
Jane Monroe
Thank you king
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Educator, painter, writer, and art historian. Author of Figure Drawing: Design and Invention.
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