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Not super convinced by the result… is it my line quality? My shapes? Any advice/comment is very welcome πŸ˜‰
Rachel Dawn Owens
I think you did great! There’s a nice variety of different shapes and proportions here. You did a nice job simplifying the shapes. The critique I would give is one about anatomy. The trunk of the elephant is a super important feature, so it may be worth it to learn a bit about the bones and muscle that go into it. Just some basic stuff I think would make your drawings look more elephanty… Elephant skulls look so crazy. Their nasal passages are actually above their eyes. The actual trunk has no bones. The trunk is full of strong muscles and acts as an extra limb for grasping things. It’s not just a typical nose. I hope this helps. I know it’s more advanced but I think you can handle it. Your drawings are looking awesome.
Pat Calaski
The upper left is the best. The shapes are good, proportions decent.
Tommy Pinedo
Here is my attempt on drawing the shoes using depth and form. By far the hardest exercise for me right now. I had to think about the sketching, the proportions and the line weight. I got discouraged a bit in the beginning because I wanted it to come out right. I was out of my comfort zone and stuck it through! I am glad that I did my attempt. Let me know what you guys think! :)
Nice work. I really like. Hard for me to say anything negative. Apart maybe from the transparent laces πŸ˜‰
Like drawing shoes, hate the laces πŸ˜‰. Still a bit unsure about my lines. I tried here to prioritise proximity and shadows & lights. Any comment is appreciated πŸ˜‰
Fire shoe choice πŸ™ I'm definitely with you in regards to being unsure about lines. Keep at it, this looks great!
Not really brave/confident enough on my lines yet. Great exercise though !
Tricky but really fun project πŸ₯°
First and second attempt. It’s harder than I thought πŸ˜‰. Great course so far!
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