tattoo artist from the netherlands!
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my take on organizing line weight based on light and shadow before i watched the demo
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my version of organizing lines based on importance done in procreate
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might be a little too light too see but i didn’t feel like bumping up the contrast in procreate for this exercise
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so i definitely didn’t feel ready to do the level two project, but i thought let me challenge myself a little. as you can see the studies are pretty okay, as i feel comfortable with the level one sketching, but character building needs way more work haha. i’ll let it rest for now since i really want to get on with the course!
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after the demo i wanted to practice some more on different references and pokémon’s have easy shapes so it helped me find the basic forms. except on the view on eevee that one was though haha
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i must admit i was a little lazy with these exercises, i been procrastinating on the course so i just needed to do some quick sketches to get back into it.
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i decided to add the laces anyways mid demo, which sucks because i found out my proportions were wrong after all, the boots are too short
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i did a set up for both drawings to find the proportions and then i cleaned up the lines
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first try, this is way harder than it looks!
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i used the pear from the downloads. the first one is after the project explaination, the second one is after the demo
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