Aubrey Hannah
Aubrey Hannah
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Aubrey Hannah
Here are the sketches I did for dynamic shapes. Admittedly, I think I may have focused too much on the contours, Next time I'll try and focus less on accuracy and more on the shapes themselves.
Aubrey Hannah
I haven't usually measured proportions before now, but I must say, it helped quite a bit with making the drawing look real! I'm pretty proud of my work on this, although it probably is nowhere close to perfect. I'd say the facial features, particularly the eyes, were the most difficult part of the drawing.
I stuck to mainly level 1 - this was even harder than the CSI lines, imo. I went over the 10 shapes limit a couple of times. Ref list outside of the ones given in the assignment: Unsplash: - Wolf by Milo Weiler - Cobra by Asad Ys - Owl by Sonder Quest - Leopard by Gwen Weustink Cat and Young seagull photos by me
Aubrey Hannah
Wow, your simplifications are some of the best I've seen on this page! I also use Unsplash as a source for my own drawings.
Aubrey Hannah
I practiced drawing the three provided reference photos plus five extra references I pulled from Unsplash. Critiques are very welcome, as this was a very challenging assignment!
Melanie Scearce
I like that you went through and wrote notes to your strengths and weaknesses here! I agree overall that you should strive for more simple, closed shapes. Think about each shape as a paper cut-out. How can you overlap, insert, and otherwise manipulate each shape to create interesting designs that speak to the character of each animal? You did a great job with that concept with your hippo drawing.
Aubrey Hannah
Did both hierarchy of importance and light and shadow methods. I think mine turned out pretty well.
Aubrey Hannah
My intention was to make a cartoon frog with a top hat. This one was certainly more challenging since I'm not used to drawing from imagination.
Before demo, will give it another go after :)
Aubrey Hannah
Wow, those look fantastic! No suggestions here, apart from the pinky finger being just a little too narrow in the Spider-Hand sketch.
Aubrey Hannah
Open to constructive criticism. I think I had the most trouble sketching the Spider Hand reference.
Anthony Barros
It seems like a little more time on placement of shapes ( something I struggle to stick to a lot) could help out. Also along with choosing lines that you found worked well and applying that same looseness/confidence in each area. Cool drawings !
Aubrey Hannah
I find it pretty interesting that you pointed out how simplifying an image can help an artist learn to portray values, lines, shapes, etc. more effectively. Over the last few years I've been drawing, one of my problems has been that I've gotten lost in all the detail of a reference image and been frustrated trying to capture everything accurately. I've had a hunch that I should be narrowing my focus more for a while, but it's nice to get that confirmation from an expert.
Aubrey Hannah
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