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Here is my attempt
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I think I messed up proportions on second.Might end up doing more of these
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I feel like most of the shapes are boring, I tried to add some variety but it doesn't really help. Would be thankful for advice.
Whenever shapes look boring the two main culprits are: straightening angles and creating symmetry. Try pushing sharper angles on different parts of the body to see if it helps (I like measuring with my pencil to see if my angles match the photo.) Also their bodies are looking pretty symmetrical. The two lying around just look like tubes. Circles and ovals are fine to start with, but there's so much more going on. Adding thoses differences will make your drawing look more interesting as well. Hopefully this made sense and was helpful. More than anything just keeping practicing and experimenting.
I think I messed up left eye and nose, would be thankful for a critique
I tried to capture variety of lines, most of them I suppose represent light and edges some maybe were a stylistic choice not sure. Hope I'll be able to see more in future
Proportion may be a bit off but that wasn't the main point of assignment. Anyway I hope these are great overall
Rachel Dawn Owens
Cool style
It was tough and it seems like I got proportions a bit off.
Rachel Dawn Owens
I love your sketchy lines!
Melanie Scearce
This is tough challenge, and ultimately it will take a while to train your eye to work with your hand to place the correct lines. But you have the right idea with your searching lines. Keep up that level of line quality and keep practicing!
I like how second one turned out
Asked for help
I feel like the left boot is wider than it should be, though I'm not entirely sure. It was hard to simplify so many laces so at some point I just made some of them up. Overall it was fun and I feel satisfied with the result. I would be thankful for feedback.
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