4 Weeks to Better Perspective Drawing - Challenge

Mark as Completed


Since, we're focused on perspective in the Drawing Basics course, let's do a perspective challenge! Each week we'll post a list of objects for you to draw in perspective. That's a drawing a day for 4 weeks (28 drawings!) Make sure to show your construction...

Medium: Any 2D medium, traditional or digital is allowed.

Challenge is open to all participants 13 and older.

Check this page weekly to view new challenges and submit drawings


All 28 drawings need to be submitted in the comments below by July 7th in order to be considered for the prize. We will post 7 items at a time each week, but feel free to do them on your own schedule. We know you might have to miss a few days. Just catch up when you can and post them as you finish them. As long as you post all of them by the deadline, you're eligible for the prizes! 

Winners will be announced on July 10th during a livestream - Watch the Stream


Each winner will gain access to an upcoming new Proko course taught by Marshall Vandruff, and a few surprise prizes.

The Proko Team will pick a few winners from everyone who finishes the challenge based on accuracy, presentation, and creativity. We'll also pick a few random winners! Winners will be contacted via the email on their Proko.com account. 


  • Fire hydrant
  • Toy car
  • Backpack
  • Log cabin
  • Musical instrument
  • Chonky blaster gun *
  • Playground

* Chonky = thick, bulky, or hefty. Sometimes even cute. Imagine a blaster Buzz Lightyear or similar character would have.


  • Pirate ship
  • Chess board and *some* pieces
  • Grandfather clock
  • Space suit
  • Video camera
  • Castle
  • Toolbag


  • Colosseum
  • Pineapple
  • Throne
  • Action figure
  • Windmill
  • UFO / spaceship
  • Deep sea diver helmet


  • Cyberpunk car
  • Your drawing/work desk
  • Toaster
  • Swiss army knife
  • Computer / gaming console
  • Loaf of bread
  • Skull



Win a Perspective course and any other course (or Proko skull if in valid country)

  • @andires - Andreas Kra
  • @wihtth
  • @nathanrice454 - Nathan Rice


Win the Perspective course


  • @johannes_schiehsl - Johannes Schiehs
  • @amunoorp - Amu Noor
  • @Dantes - Andrea Longo Zuretti

Effort/Good Student

  • @lulu007 - Lucie VERGNON
  • @shayan313 - Shayan Shahbazi
  • @patrickdhynes - Patrick Hynes


  • @22monkeyzz
  • @hayesdermot - Dermot
  • @cadmiumrust
可汗 呦
Tori Blade
That's awesome. Great work
Andreas Kra
Thank you so much for awarding me first place. It was fantastic to participate in the challenge. I really enjoyed seeing the diversity in the submissions. I would love to take the "Med's Map Course" by Ahmed Aldoori.
Shayan Shahbazi
Shawn Lewis
This was a fun challenge. Still need to finish the remaining ones...
These are all great! That clock is like "do you have any idea time it is?!"
Vanessa N
Some continued practices done after the due date, but before any livestreams/announcements.
Shayan Shahbazi
Space ships
Outta this world ! :)
This was a great exercise and very challenging. Thanks for creating this challenge. I learned a lot, I don’t often work in digital media so that made for extra learning along with perspective which I also haven’t used a whole lot. I know it’s there but usually I don’t bother with gridding things out like this. Will definitely be working on this more often. Thanks again!
ooh the last one is really cool
week 3 and 4
Andrea Longo Zuretti
Just a quick recap: 4 weeks all togheter. This challenge was really a lot of fun; good luck to everyone!
toni le
I wish you good luck too:) love how you combine those things together really awesome
Shayan Shahbazi
Wow, amazing work 🔥
Shayan Shahbazi
Thank you for the opportunity❤️
This one is great. I love it.
I must say that this challange was awesome and for those of you who wonder what an otamatone is, check out this banger: https://youtu.be/9w5ZHMwIzvY?si=YxPvyJJgOtcm2M8-
Adolfo Naranjo
Had to squeeze in the castle prompt
wk 4 drawings :D
Week 1 and 2
Elle G
Week four! cyberpunk car, work desk, toaster, Swiss army knife, computer, bread, skull So happy to have gotten them all done, this was fun. And loved seeing everyone else's too!
Here's everything in 4 slides. What did I learn this month? Through the constant practice, I gained certain insights about my relationship to perspective tools. 1. Unless it's spatially dominant (e.g., chessboard or throne room), it made more sense to first envision/sketch the object, and then figure out the vanishing points/grids that serve it. Often the vanishing points were way way way off the page too, so I would have to plot the grid, zoom in and and crop the relevant grid, and draw on that. 2. Since usually we are taught perspective with the horizon line and left and right vanishing points, I was surprised at how often from top down product shots the two point perspective would be the top and bottom VPs. (e.g., drums, video console). 3. I would like to do more reimagining of forms from a different perspective when I have more time. I tried this with the fire hydrant, the table and the spacesuit. It's something that takes a lot more brainpower but worth doing. The rest are mostly from photo reference and figuring out what perspective they are from, and reverse engineering from there. 4. The organic forms (the spacesuit, the skull) were hard for me. I wonder if it's also because I I have been studying the human figure/we are attuned to notice mistakes more as people. Maybe if I were a car engineer or architect I would feel the mistakes in cars/buildings more keenly! 5. I got a lot of practice with digital drawing this month, mainly because it was more convenient to show the construction neatly. Sometimes I would sketch and draft manually and then go over the lines again digitally. A huge thank you to Stan, Marshall and the Proko team for hosting this challenge. It was a bit of a part time job (3-5 hours a day), but I'm really glad I did it. There's still much much more for me to learn.
oh, one more: 6. I came to appreciate the design behind a lot of the objects. (e.g., completely blown away by the elegance in the Aura Battler action figure, the Evercade VS video console, the diving helmet, etc.) A lot of thought went into them to make the proportions _just so_.
Shayan Shahbazi
Practice 19, only pen My working table 💁🏽‍♂️
Shayan Shahbazi
Practice 18 Gaming PC 👾🎮
Aaron Smith
Nice work! How long did it take you to get all those tiny details right?
wk 3 drawings
Week 4
Week 3
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