Tori Blade
Tori Blade
Hi, I'm Tori Blade, and I'm 14 years old. I've been captivated by the world of drawing since I could hold a pencil. Focus: Anatomy and Perspective
Activity Feed
Tori Blade
Any critique is nice :D I really rushed it I am for sure going to slow down next time.
Tori Blade
Here are my first attempts :)
Did a second one trying to improve my S lines. I'm I the only one who gets anxious when the pencil is too sharp ^^' ?
Tori Blade
You are not the only one! I used to be the same way. To help myself learn, I switched to a mechanical pencil. It helped me gain better control of lines and learn to be more confident. If you want to try that I would highly suggest it :)
João Ferramacho
While doing each character's exploration I stumbled on this idea of making the owl a sort of mentor figure and the Fennec fox an excited pupil. It was extremely fun!
Tori Blade
That is adorable. Keep up the great work! Your character design is inspiring
Tori Blade
Here is my first attempt. I realized that next time I really need to experiment more and go out of my comfort zone. Any advice is appreciated :D
Tori Blade
I felt like I improved alot in making things less stiff. Any advice is lovely
Tori Blade
Here are my sketches before the demo. Any critiques are appreciated! :)
Nikki De Backer
Second attempt after watching both of the demo’s. I know that I still need to practice taking my time with each drawing. I focused a lot more on drawing confident lines.
Tori Blade
Wonderful sketches! They look really nice.
Tori Blade
I attempted to follow the demo and improved quite a bit sinse my first attempt. After the demo, I tried it again without guidance and it was not as high of quality. Does anyone have advice on how to remember everything you learned? Thanks!
Tori Blade
Here was my skull attempt before the demo. Any critiques are very appreciated! :)
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