Practice: Shading Creatures
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The Shading Course

Module 5 - How to Create Realistic Shading

Practice: Shading Creatures

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Practice: Shading Creatures

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Let's practice shading simple forms! In this assignment, you'll create a realistic rendering of a little creature.


  1. Download or print at least one of the project files below.
  2. Complete the four stages.
  3. Upload your image.


This project should take 1–2 hours to complete.


Maria Bygrove
Did the drawing by hand and photographed all the four stages. Am I right assuming that in order to do the reflected light (step 3) we need to add core shadow to general shadow group?
Maria Bygrove
My other creature
Dedee Anderson Ganda
my weakness is with terminator to dark halftone gradient, and I'm slowly yet surely getting the hang of it!!
Kristina Gehrmann
This was trickier than I thought. Quite fun tho :D
Dedee Anderson Ganda
I love that you give a happy face at the final image :))
Definitely could use some fixes but it's surely a improvement from where I was before
Derek Adams
Seems, after takeing my pictures, I always see my mistakes, fix, retake, fix……. And then they look too over worked, and not that good….. I feel, I'm not satisfied, and want to redue the assignments again, and again….. Any suggestions?
This exercise was a lot of fun even if it messed a bit with the shading and planning order. I realized that I erroneously used white, the color of specular highlight, as the fourth and lightest color during planning. This was because I got a bit confused by the four-value instruction after getting used to working with five values. I should've just forgotten about the specular white, even though it's technically the "fifth", lightest and last value to be put down. I adjusted this misunderstanding as I went along the four stages and it turned out just fine.
Here are my shaded creatures. I followed the steps, and I do feel they look more realistic than what I have drawn before. Although my digital drawing skills are still very limited…(I am still trying to find a suitable brush to use in krita.)
Samuel Sanjaya
here's my assignment submission. This helped me of breaking my bad habit of jumping all over the place when shading. Any feedbacks/critiques will be greatly appreciated.
Romain Decotte
Here's my shading creatures assignment. I was so much into it that I combined steps 3 and 4 in...step 3.
I found this a really helpful assignment, and I was able to identify that I struggle the most with reflected light, like determining where it would be strongest.
Dorian Iten
Nice! On the first one, you could get a stronger sense of form by pushing the dark halftones a bit darker and letting them come into the form light more. But these are both really solid overall!
Kwame Alexander
I messed up the notan version a bit, but no big deal.
Karlo H.
I don't have a printer so had to do everything by hand, hope it's ok!
Chris Bodary
This is with graphite 2H and 2B on regular computer copy paper
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Former program director at Barcelona Academy of Art. Passionate about teaching craft and exploring the inner game of art.
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