Dorian Iten
Dorian Iten
Former program director at Barcelona Academy of Art. Passionate about teaching craft and exploring the inner game of art.
Activity Feed
Dorian Iten
Thanks for the shoutout, Jon! 😀
Cherish me
Asked for help
I have a question. You said to resist the temptation to go lighter with the halftones, but when should I go lighter? Because of the material?
Dorian Iten
When working digitally, I prefer starting with the center light value and darkening from there. I'd use lighter tonal values for the specular reflections, and be very clear about what is halftone and what is specular reflection.
Josh Fiddler
Asked for help
@Dorian Iten In a lighting setup with two point sources on roughly opposite sides of the subject, I suspect you make a light guide for both sources as well as for each local value, yes? So for a blue ball with two green stripes (blue and green have different values), you'd make a guide for both local values and both light sources? so four guides?
Dorian Iten
Hey Josh! If you want to understand the effect of each light source on each of the materials in this scene, you could make four guides, yes. That said, you can also capture the information in one guide!
Asked for help
Hello proko friends i have not been active since i created a proko account. But i have a few questions to ask and i came here to proko to ask them... please help if you can... question 1: @Dorian Iten and @Stephen Bauman. If i may ask, why do you sharpen a graphits pencil to such a long leth? I can understand a charcoal but graphite i am at a loss for because graphite is prone to snape and break since they are very thin and delicate. And question 2: i wish to get into oil painting and i know this question on where to go for oil painting has been asked but i do not wish to know where to go. I wish to know what painting medium i can substitute for oil painting "give me the same feel as oil paint". The reason for this is,is because at the present moment no toxic chemiclals may enter my home for medical puposes. And i need the practice so that when i can use the oil paint again i already have the practice. The iorny is i already have oil paint,brushes, solvents the works. I am lost please help.
Dorian Iten
Hi Stella, I use a long drawing point for two reasons: 1) A long point improves the visibility of my drawing. A chunky tool blocks the view. 2) A long point requires less frequent sharpening, which improves my flow. In terms of alternatives to oil paint that have a similar feel, you could try water-soluble oil paints. I don't have any experience with them, and of course, some pigments themselves are toxic. Otherwise, you could use Gouache. They dry much faster but it can be a beautiful and super practical painting medium!
Dorian Iten
Dorian Itenadded a new lesson
Dorian Iten
Dorian Itenadded a new lesson
Asked for help
Hello, these assignments are difficult as I thought, especially the monkey one, not sure about "center light" area. And how can I know the value of ambient light intensity, I compared with the video, it looks about the same (maybe). And I have one question, is "form shadow = reflected light + core shadow" ? or is there some halftone between? 🤔 I appreciate any feedback, thank you.
Dorian Iten
> "form shadow = reflected light + core shadow": that's how I think about it. 👍 Halftones are on the other side of the terminator.
Dorian Iten
Dorian Itenadded a new lesson
Is there somewhere to get feedback on exercises?
Dorian Iten
Update: I visit occasionally and provide feedback here when I have time, but the Proko edition of the Shading Course is generally intended for self study. If you want to work with me directly, I do provide personalized feedback in two 10-week cohorts per year over at I'm still trying to figure out how to bridge the gap elegantly between and my platform. For the moment, you can join feedback cohorts as an add-on to your Proko course at Hopefully, there will be more interaction possible directly on in the future!
Dorian Iten
Dorian Itenadded a new course
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