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Getting back into this course after a bit of a hiatus. I'm probably wrong in areas but I did my best.
Martha Muniz
Hey there! I see that you're applying warm light/cool shadows (and vice versa), which is a good principle to think about in these studies. Though taking a closer look at the original images, you'll still see this principle being applied, but to a lesser extreme. For example, on the old man, his shadows appear actually more purple/pink. They aren't fully desaturated and cool, but they are still cooler than the base warm tone. Another quick tip, for the black and white image, this is a great way to study the reflectivity of objects. Something metallic, like in this example, has much higher contrast with bright highlights and dark shadows. You show a lot of thought and great choices throughout the assignment, I hope you find these tips useful. Keep up the good work :)
Definitely could use some fixes but it's surely a improvement from where I was before
So many mistakes xD. Mainly where the terminator was supposed to go. However I did learn a lot about what my weaknesses are.
Asked for help
Gottem all right! A on number two almost got me because of that subtle triangle of light stabbing into the shadow, but then I thought about how the area was past the terminator then answered shadow
Difficult to get all of it with a 30 minute time limit but it's completed. Really had to force myself to not get too bogged down with the detail.
Good job! The only thing I would look over is the value of the top plane of the cube shape. It seems a little too dark.
HB and an F
It's not super refined but it's alright for a first time I suppose. And the picture makes the outlines look a lot muddier than they really are
question. Are all of your marks with a soft brush like an airbrush or do you use some hard brushes as well?
Martha Muniz
It looks like he definitely gravitates almost entirely towards soft brushes for this assignment, especially because occlusion shadows are very soft and diffused. However, it does seem like he sometimes uses a harder brush when blocking in the light grey base that goes before any shadows, and uses the lasso tool to provide a hard edge for some shadow crevices before going in with a soft brush.
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