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the hand was hard but here it is
I honestly struggle with the snail more than shoes 😂😂😂 I don’t know why but here it is, before demo
I think the snail looks great!
Asked for help
It was fun
The first one is my first try 1 and 2 is second try
It’s a little rough but here it is
Gabriela Santos
Hi! the shapes are meant to be sharper, loose the round edges. quick suggestion, try to keep the lines in the same direction in the midtone area, just like you did for the background
Ogechi Ike
Nice Job!
Samuel Sanjaya
My HTB worm. this method makes shading easier. Been applying this to my own project too. Any feedback or critiques are welcome
I tried to make the dark band look like it’s a part of the worm’s skin but I was unsuccessful 😂. I have really come a long wayyy I wasn’t able to any of these things before this course.
I will use drawabox more later
i did my best
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