Learning How to Draw

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Learning How to Draw

Mark as Completed
Course In Progress
Stan Prokopenko
A little pep talk for those of you who recently started your journey. When you were a baby, you learned how to talk by listening and repeating words, and you can learn how to draw the same way. Drawing is a way to communicate with pictures instead of words. I talk about training your mind and your hand with the right exercises and projects and how you can learn faster with the right mindset.
Aubrey Hannah
I've just begun my journey to a real education in art! I can't currently access the premium content at the moment, but I still decided to make an account and take what was free and available to me. I've been practicing art on and off for many years, but this is the first time I've tried to take a formal approach with real instructors. For the record, I think this site is a genius idea!
Hello everyone, I’m starting this course again, but this time I really want to focus. Last time, I was very distracted. I took part in many courses, but I didn’t finish any. Now it’s time to take things step by step. My goal is to draw in a very realistic way and, of course, to paint. I’m especially interested in still life, landscapes, and figure drawing/painting. My biggest challenge is that I get fascinated by too many things, which makes it hard to focus on just one. I graduated from art school and realized that continuing to learn on my own is quite difficult. That’s why I truly appreciate this site because of its community. I believe having people to communicate with and support each other’s growth is incredibly important. Wish me luck, and I wish the same for all of you.
Joe Burris
I've been learning to draw for a few months now. The free videos were essential for me so I feel this full course is going to do wonders. I'm excited to learn and excited to keep it fun.
Been drawing on and off for many years... but never with any real practice of the fundamentals. I'm just copying nice drawings I find online. I'm quite good at that (if I may say so myself haha), but I can't draw any other way. So, it's time I start to take this serious so that I'm finally able to create my own things!
Anna Clark
I wanted to get down to the very basics of basics and am excited to start this course!
Márta Kovács
Hi! I'm Márta, 21y.o. and I've been drawing ever since I was able to hold a pencil, however I recently realized that I'm missing important foundamentals in knowledge, so I decided to start this course. I hope I'll also find a community here so that I can get and give reviews that'll help get better! Wish me luck:)
Chirantan Talukdar
"If you find yourself dreading the practice time, something needs to change, or you risk burning out." What did you mean by this line? What's that something that needs to change?
Rachel Dawn Owens
Burnout happens when whatever you’re practicing is no longer sustainable. Like people who try ridiculous and extreme diets to loose weight quickly. It doesn’t work over the long run. They usually gain the weight back. Consistency over long periods of time is more important than what you can accomplish in just a few months. Enjoy the process. Maybe change what or how you’re practicing if the process starts to feel dreadful. Study a different subject or try a different medium. Perhaps a different environment to draw in. I like to go to the park.
Melanie Scearce
I interpret it as a mindset change. Stan's point leading up to that line is that figuring out how to enjoy the process over the outcome is essential to make learning how to draw a sustainable process. It takes many years to become a skilled artist, so you have to be able to weather the rough patches. What I got out of it is -- be patient, kind to yourself, and have faith that the work you are putting in, even if it's not as good as you'd like it to be, is vital to your progress and will pay off down the road.
boneless pizza
I've just started you've kinda hooked me in when you said if I can write the alphabet then I could create a masterpiece, I want to try now thank you for the encouraging words :)
Buenos días a todos. Encantado de haber encontrado este curso que espero me ayude a aprenda dibujar con fundamento. Tengo una duda. ¿Este curso está pensado para ser seguido en orden, clase a clase, i para ir salteando según te interesen los temas? Muchas gracias a todos.
Maria Gaitan
Me alegro Que lo hayas encontrado! Te lo recomiendo muchisimo y honestamente creo Que no vas a encontrar un curso tan completo y estructurado como este. Te recomendaria Que no saltaras ninguna leccion y completes Cada tarea asignada mas tu tiempo personal de practica para mejores resultados. Suerte!!
Melanie Scearce
¡Bienvenido! Pido disculpas por la traducción, utilicé Google Translate. Puedes seguir los vídeos en orden o seguir tus intereses. Si es un principiante absoluto, puede ser beneficioso comenzar en orden y, una vez que gane algo de confianza y conocimiento, podrá comenzar a explorar intereses específicos.
Hi Everyone, I am stuck in the level from past months, any suggestions on how to improve from here ? Thankyou
William Montalvo
Exercise 1
Yo, here's my loose sketches! I've learn that in using references, you don't just copy it, you need to give it a character and a sense of flow for it to feel alive on its own. I marked some stars on the sketches that I think I did great for implementing this tips. And oh, what do you use when you're capturing your art? I think my camera is a little blurry.
Hi! I'm Idellia and I'm new here! Honestly, i can't really afford to buy any courses here. I'm learning to draw through YouTube and I still want to held myself accountable for my progress, so, I want to share the sketches I had learn from the basics playlist. Here are my sketches of pear and that one from "Learning to sketch from Imagination". I picked heron because I'm interested at how elegant ant vigilant it was makes me feel. During the process, I struggled at 2 things: - Downsizing the subject onto paper - Keeping it simple as possible Yet I enjoyed at how I managed to give it a shot! So, what do you think are the parts I need to improve here? Critiques are greatly appreciated, thank u!
Riin Kuro
There is SO much to unpack here! Good morning I’m Riin! I’m going to try my hand at critiquing and coaching you a bit here .. Your herons are incredibly advanced subjects to target after. This is not a bad thing! It just means there’s a lot more going on in the subject matter to pay attention to that your eye is yet trained to look for. With that being said your third drawing attempt of these birds is your most solid as you allowed the sketchy lines in to represent direction of the feathering and you inputted contour lines to help yourself understand and translate understanding of the curvature of the neck. Let’s go back to your still life first drawing- are you drawing from observation? Or are you drawing from photo? Anyone will tell you it’s best to learn straight from observation as it’s 3D and a photo has already made a 3D object into a 2D one. However, it’s still possible, though not ideal. Let’s start with your values. Have you done a value scale? Have you done it a few times over to really get familiar with it? Let’s start there. Once you have that down I want you to keep in mind that everything forms a shape- including those values! Look at those shades and shadows real close when you go ti draw—and you’ll see shapes of different shades made and often they mimic that value scale!… unless you have a very strong overhead light source. Your whole still life is made of these shapes from shadows, start training your eye to look for them and contour them out! This will eventually translate over to your herons with you get really handy with it. I hope this helps, I know it’s a lot- I’m new here too but welcome in with the rest of us!
Dudts Draws
Hello Idellia, best of luck with your learning. The sketches look cool. The first image looks a bit smudgy but I guess it's because you drew it before learning about shading.
Makai Wynglass
Tayra Cotto
Critiques are welcomed :)
Spending time working out why I found my creative endeavours draining was important to me. I won't list off what I worked on because we are all different. However 2 things. 1) making sure at least half my time drawing was just creating with no pressure rather than all practice and studies was key. As was 2) learning to love the process rather than the outcome. If you are struggling to get the practice time and enjoying the practice (or at least your slow improvement). It is worth spending time with some inward reflection finding out why. Now I'm finally at the point where its worth taking proper courses to improve rather than the occasional YouTube video and just copying/ studying things. Looking forward to this course and the others I've signed up for. Lots more work ahead.... lucky I enjoy the work ;)
Hi, my name is Koba. Two days ago I finally finished this drawing of a kingfisher. It was a drawing I made with the help of my professor at school. I hope you like it and if you see something's missing than let me know!
Emma Wilson
Here's the first comic I created in 2024 for my son! I hope you guys enjoy and I'd love feedback!
This comic is available for purchase in comic stores in San Antonio Texas and my online store! I hope you guys enjoy!
Is it ok for me to use mechanical pencil?
Yes, I use an array of tools but my mechanical pencils are the best. Mine are pretty expensive, but they don't need to be. As long as you don't apply too much pressure with outlining and such, you'll be fine
hi , i sketched that "simplify Pear " And wanted to show it to you
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About instructor
Founder of Proko, artist and teacher of drawing, painting, and anatomy. I try to make my lessons fun and ultra packed with information.
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