Activity Feed
Rachel Dawn Owens
This Proko tool is super helpful for simplifying values!
Maria Gaitan
This is Amazing!!! I will definitely try this out!!!
Reid Maurer
Pre demo vs. post demo. Biggest adjustments between the two were spending significantly more time on the lay in getting the proportions correct and trying to differentiate the values a bit more in the second. Would love some feedback!
Maria Gaitan
Great work! I can definitely see the improvement! I’m so glad you slowed down because yes, the first one looks and feels rushed as if you did not care as much. I think that’s one of the biggest problems we deal with as beginners; the fact that we can’t wait to see the end result and we expect it to be awesome, and if it doesn’t look the way we expected it then we start feeling overwhelmed & frustrated, but we forget that we have to take our time and go little by little. Enjoy the process. Speed will come with practice! Good job in pushing the darker values!
Makoto Yasumasa
Mannequinization to illustration
Maria Gaitan
Ooohh…! I really love this!
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