Maria Gaitan
Maria Gaitan
Los Angeles, CA
Leaving behind everything I thought I knew, so I can start learning properly this time.
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Maria Gaitan
Maria Gaitan
After completing the official assignment, I decided to tackle another portrait because I really wanted to understand this concept of shape simplification way more. I did not do this in 1 sitting. It took me a couple of days because I tried to do it digitally first, but I wasn’t happy with the progress. I decided to do it traditionally because the feeling of pencil on paper is just unbeatable. There a lot of things I would change and I still wanted to do to this, but I’m training myself to stop working on a drawing endlessly. I feel I could’ve pushed the values even more. There is a ton I still need to learn, and this assignment is really challenging! But I kinda feel I can move on to the next lesson…. (?) I doubt myself a lot so I’m working on that as well…. So, jumping to the next lesson isn’t easy 😮‍💨
Maria Gaitan
After completing the official assignment, I decided to tackle another portrait because I really wanted to understand this concept of shape simplification way more. I did not do this in 1 sitting. It took me a couple of days because I tried to do it digitally first, but I wasn’t happy with the progress. I decided to do it traditionally because the feeling of pencil on paper is just unbeatable. There a lot of things I would change and I still wanted to do to this, but I’m training myself to stop working on a drawing endlessly. I feel I could’ve pushed the values even more. There is a ton I still need to learn, and this assignment is really challenging! But I kinda feel I can move on to the next lesson…. (?) I doubt myself a lot so I’m working on that as well…. So, jumping to the next lesson isn’t easy 😮‍💨
Maria Gaitan
I found a picture from when I was separating the shadow from the light, and I kinda went back to the drawing to darken some areas.
Hello everyone, The first one was before the demo. The second one was after the demo.
Maria Gaitan
i think you should push your values a little bit more. I feel there’s too little difference between highlights and the lighter half tone. Also, if I could add one more thing would be to create more distance between the shadow and darker halftone. But, good job! 👏
Maria Gaitan
I did the small thumbnail after watching the project explanation video, and the second one is the one I drew after watching the demo. I spent over 1 hour with the initial sketch, and I still got proportions wrong so I kept going back and forth trying to fix my mistakes. I’m not entirely pleased with it since I still can see how proportions are not entirely accurate. But, I gotta say I’m proud of myself for taking the time to learn fundamentals! This assignment is pretty challenging and it took me a couple of hours to work on this; it’s not easy to see, simplify, and separate shadow shapes from light. I’ll do another portrait after I’m done watching the critique video!
Hi, this is my first attempt before the demo. I had a lot of trouble getting the overall shape and shadows correct. feedback would be very much appreciated.
Maria Gaitan
I think you should look for an image that shows more light and shadow contrast. Also, watch out for proportions; try to take your time with the initial sketch. But. I’m pretty sure after watching the demo you’ll be able to understand more about shadow shapes! You got this!
Maria Gaitan
I drew the other 2 pears after watching the Critique Video D:
Maria Gaitan
I drew the blue pear after watching the free YouTube video and before purchasing the course. The second one I drew it after watching the project explanation video, and the last one was the one I did after watching Stan's demo.
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