How to Draw Legs – The Adductors

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How to Draw Legs – The Adductors

Mark as Completed


Your assignment is to do quicksketch drawings of the legs from the model photos I've provided in the description below. Start with the gesture then focus on drawing the forms of the muscle groups, especially the adductors. We haven't studied the others yet, so you can keep them as gestural lines, or cylindrical. But don't just copy the contours. In premium, I'll show you how to draw all the assignment photos, so you can check your work.

Kassjan (Kass) Smyczek
I am in a different country so I can‘t use my scanner. But i tried to take a good picture: Here is my adductor assignment. Since I learned latin I know the difference between abduct and adduct but the joke in the video was hillarious :D
Had a trouble with knowing where the adductors end from behind
Samuel Sanjaya
my attempt on the left, and following the example video on the right.
Lenserd martell
Among the leg muscles, the area of ​​the unknown part is bigger, so I can't get the shape well. I want to quickly learn the following muscles and balance them.
Here's my attempt at the inner leg muscles assignment. Critiques welcomed, thanks.
any feedback is appreciated
Steve Lenze
Hey abrahan 13, Just wanted to give you some advise on this muscle. If we draw it in a straight line, in flattens the form. Make sure you wrap it around the form in a "S" curve. I did a little sketch to show you what I mean, hope it helps :)
James Paris
This is my assignment ! The weird symbol above the second drawing is what I use when I realise I drew something too wide/tall Seeing it now, I think the real problem is how I drew the butt, it is going so far back !
Richard Barkman
Hey everybody, here is the 2nd part of my adductor assignment. The first part, previously posted, focused on form. This part focuses on the individual muscles. Stan said not to bother but I guess I’m a glutton for punishment. Thanks for looking.
Alexis Riviere
Your studies are awesomely clean. Thanks for sharing.
I finished my exercises, now I'm going to watch the video answer and correct what I did wrong
another study 6 months later
Jesper Axelsson
Nice studies! I like the clear forms! The last drawing has really nice shape design! - I think the adductors should be closer together at the origin; the gap between the legs is too wide at the moment, I think. - In the bottom drawing of image 1, it doesn't feel like the sartorius attaches to the tibia, but rather the outside surface of the leg. Hope this helps :)
Richard Barkman
Hey everyone, please critique my adductor assignment.
Jesper Axelsson
Hi @Richard Barkman, nice studies! Good use of crosscontours to show form! - You seem to be focusing mainly on the surface forms, but since these are anatomy studies, you might want to be more in the mindset of dissecting; finding the bones and attachment points, trying to draw the muscle groups, or even individual muscles, from where they originate to where they insert. The stuff that isn't visible can be drawn very lightly, but I think finding it is important to help you understand the body more thoroughly. Hope this helps :) Keep up the good work!
My Inner Leg muscles assignment. I found not easy to visualize what's happening on the inside of the knee, where all tendons meet. 3D models are very very usefull!
Sadie Ward
Here is my go at it. The image on the left is the one I did prior to seeing the answers video. The one of the right is me redrawing it afterwards. I'd really love a whole bunch of critiques. I've always hated legs.
Steve Lenze
Hey Sadie, Nice job on these leg drawings despite hating them :) The one thing I noticed, is that your leg shapes are too straight making the legs feel stiff. Remember to think gesture when drawing anything, it will always help keep your drawings from looking stiff. I did a quick sketch to show you what I mean :)
I didn't aim to copy the shading from the references this time
It's good that you're grouping the muscles into simple volumes. Nice job!
Ria Kumo
All critiques welcomed as always
Jesper Axelsson
Nice studies! - It would be nice if you added som crosscontours to the muscles you indicate. It will clarify the form for the viewer and for yourself. The drawings feel a little flat at the moment. - In the 2nd image, bottom drawing, you seem to be including the hamstrings in the adductor mass (if that is what that blue centerline represents). The line you see on the reference, going along the midline of the thigh down to the inside of the knee is created by the medial hamstrings I think. However, the adductor magnus is beneath there. - I actually did a tracing of the reference in your 3rd image a while back. It's a bit messy, but it might be useful to you. Hope this helps :)
Muhittin BUDAK
Adductor group muscles.
David Gutmann
2022/04/19. Here is my attempt on the assignment. I should propably redo number 3 but hey...
Marco Sordi
2022/3/13. Good morning everybody. Here’s a simple study of the primary and secondary forms. Thanks and have a good Sunday.
Amelie Holland
Here’s my assignment. One of the things I get told often is that my drawings don’t look 3D enough. But it’s really hard to understand and I know it’s hard to explain how to make the drawings look more 3D. I have noticed that my drawings does look flat too. So I would really appreciate it if I could get some feedback on that.
James Mayr
I don't think that your drawings are looking very flat. the construction looks solid for me. If you want improving your illusion of 3D maybe study rendering (aka how light affect the form, I really like:, but again. In this drawing the rendering looks fine.
Is the color too much? I like to emphisise the area of focus though sometimes it seems to come off as a distraction. Also, should I post my images separately or can they be grouped like this?
Muhittin BUDAK
think connections of adductor groups.
I think Those colors are great! Also grouping the images is probably the most convenient :)
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Founder of Proko, artist and teacher of drawing, painting, and anatomy. I try to make my lessons fun and ultra packed with information.
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