after looking/reflecting at this a bit more, I can see that I miss-measured the jaw line, her neck is too thick, also I think the shape of the hat needs work. I did change the forehead size which I think threw the hat measurements off a bit.
I may make an effort to fix, or re-draw her.
I can tell you tried very hard with your measuring. Unfortunately, I think the chin got a little bit away from you and got heavier than it really was. But it feels solid.
This is what I ended up with. Started over three times until I got a block-in I was satisfied with to render. Sometimes it's hard to see whats wrong but you know something is. Need to get up and take breaks more.
I tried pushing the dark values a bit further than I usually do. It was a struggle to keep them all balanced and even. The pinky fingernail trick to keep the hand off the page while still maintaining contact is a great tip!
Really benefiting from this shape to shape way of drawing! I always struggled with female heads when using the Loomis or Reilly lay in. Thanks so much!
Would love to hear which areas you see where I may still be going astray here.
It may be due to the camera angle but, when I use your suggestion of rapidly comparing your drawing to its reference, I see the drawing as being slightly stretched vertically compared to its reference. Are you seeing that too on the video?
When I was a student, this type of distortion was a common issue for those of us who didn't begin a drawing with an envelope that established the overall proportions of the image. What are your thoughts about using measured envelopes as a beginning, as Raphael Ellender teaches in his book, Basic Drawing?
BTW, Andrew Loomis offers a "visual survey" on page 88 of, Figure Drawing For All It's Worth, that's kind of similar to your "inside to outside" method of measuring.
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