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Zosya S
added comment inSquinting to find Edges
Here is my third one on Squinting for Edges. Thank you, Morgan!
Zosya S
Here is my assignment for values. Please ignore the noise in the shadow inside the hat area. It is my old printer that made the paper wrinkly. Thank you.
Zosya S
Thank you Morgan for adding new squinting lessons and assignments. I enjoyed doing this. Here is my first one.
Zosya S
Asked for help
Hello Morgan,
Thanks again for an amazing course, I am learning a lot. It teaches me how to approach to a portrait drawing and painting with a clear structure that I was lacking before. This is the course I have been waiting for years. Thanks a lot.
This is my first oil portrait. The value of the ear seems a bit light. But when I squint it reads as a part of shadow family, so I am a bit confused if I should darken its value or it is ok like this.
I tried my best to get the colour of the his shirt right (like in your painting- a bit cooler green). But I couldn't get it right unfortunately. When I mix yellow and black, I get warm green, when I add more blacks to it gets darker, not the cooler. Adding whites didn't help either. Any tips would be useful, thanks.
In real finished painting there are more subtle colour variations and modelling, unfortunately camera flattens it all.
Thanks for your feedback in advance.
Zosya S
Asked for help
Thank you Morgan for an amazing course. I really enjoyed it. Any feedback is welcome.
Zosya S
I found this exercise incredibly useful. It forces you to see differently and challenges you a lot. Thanks a loooot, Stan! I loved them and will do more.
Zosya S
My attempt to draw a portrait from 12 day challenge. I spent 30 min on this. Loved it.