Riku H
Riku H
Activity Feed
Riku H
This is what I ended up with. Started over three times until I got a block-in I was satisfied with to render. Sometimes it's hard to see whats wrong but you know something is. Need to get up and take breaks more.
Patrick Bosworth
Really nice! I love the more angular simplification of shapes in the back of the hair and in the garments
Riku H
Asked for help
can i get the same photo to download? if possible
Riku H
It's in the 'Why Should you Draw?' part
Riku H
Had a lot of fun doing this. I like to draw first on newsprint and then transfer the drawing to the canvas (this time masonite board).
Morgan Weistling
Riku H
Asked for help
Learned a lot from this one. Took a long break between sessions and had to remix everything but it was good practise overall to get the matching values from scratch. Also continuing after everything is completely dry is daunting. I think I'm most happy with the shirt. Kept it loose and it turned out okay.
Morgan Weistling
Riku H
I'll post this again because I think it got lost in the replies of my last post. Here is the finished one. The color notes started to mess me up because at first they didnt match the underlying value. That started to create muddy colors everywhere because I tried to wipe/blend my mistakes. Also started to blend all around way too much and lost the mosaic feel it had before. Overlayed this with the reference photo and saw that the eyes are indeed one of the things that kills the likeness. But I will call this ready and will pay more attention to the drawing on the next one!
Morgan Weistling
I still think you did great
Riku H
Asked for help
My progress until edges portion and a little dip to the painting with color parts. Feedback welcome. I'll try to fiddle with the eyes more if I'm correct that the likeness goes wrong there. Or just leave it like that, still unsure. Will do one more session with this one and then call it done.
Morgan Weistling
I am going to wait to see your last stage of this before giving input. But there is a lot to be happy with it.
Riku H
Asked for help
Value scales. The cloudy day (right side) might have too intense average shadow and darkest accents. Squinting they are not that different from the bright side.
Morgan Weistling
the real important thing is what the contrast looks like from the two center squares of darkest light(halftone) and lightest dark(reflective). It's a little dance to see how close they can get and yet still be obviously not a part of the other family. You could definitely push the cloudy day with less contrast.
Riku H
Week 3. These are hard to do if I didnt have a specific form in mind on how to simplify the reference. Especially when it came to the feet in weird perspectives it was hard to twist my mind to "see" the underlying forms. When it came to that I used the shadow forms and contours to try to find the drawing. Also I filled the mapped shadow areas after the 5min :)
Andrea Böhm
Very structural - super nice!
Riku H
Asked for help
Grid drawing. Used gessoed Arches oil painting paper. Have not used a grid for a long time and it's refreshing to draw like that. Somehow the face feels like its too wide, but I guess the grids don't lie. Now it's outside after the fixative waiting to be painted!
Rachel Dawn Owens
It doesn’t look too wide to me. Looks great! Good luck with the painting!
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