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Project Overview

You're embarking on an art project that will challenge and enhance your understanding of lighting and material properties through painting. The objective is to create at least three paintings of the objects in the downloads tab. However, if you're feeling ambitious, you're more than welcome to exceed this minimum requirement. This project is not just about painting; it's about observing, understanding, and creatively capturing the essence of the objects you choose.

Selecting and Photographing Items

Your next task is to find 10 items around your home, city, or wherever you reside. These items will serve as the subjects of your paintings. To capture these items, use your phone or any available device to take photographs. This is where your creativity begins to play a role. Be imaginative in your selection process, choosing items that spark your interest or challenge your artistic skills.

Lighting and Material Properties

While photographing your chosen items, pay special attention to their lighting and material properties. Specifically, look for:

  • Specular reflections: These are the bright spots of light that appear on shiny surfaces.
  • Ambient occlusion: This refers to areas where light is obstructed, creating shadows that help define the form of the object.
  • Subsurface scattering: This effect occurs when light penetrates a translucent material, scattering within it before exiting, often giving the material a soft, glowing appearance.

It's crucial to identify and point out these details in your photos. Understanding these properties in real-life scenarios will significantly enhance your ability to replicate them in your paintings.

Observations and Discussions

Be prepared to discuss your observations and point out the details you've noticed in your photos. This exercise is designed not just to improve your painting skills but also to deepen your ability to observe and understand how light interacts with different materials. The instructor looks forward to engaging in discussions with you about your observations and creations, offering insights and feedback that will further your artistic development.

Encouragement for Creativity

Throughout this week, you are encouraged to let your creativity flow freely. Whether in the selection of items, the capturing of their images, or the painting process itself, your creativity is a valuable asset. This project is an opportunity to explore, experiment, and express yourself artistically. The instructor is excited to see how you interpret and represent the lighting and material properties of your chosen objects in your paintings.

this was a great exercise to try to get colors right. I’ve definitely got room for improvement but I’m happy I got as close as I did.
sergio flores
I had never done color study it´s been really fun !
Pamela D
Here is my set from the assignment folder. Really enjoying the clasS.
Shayan Shahbazi
This is very good 🤩🤩🤩
Bryant De Jesus
This was a leap of skill for me, but I learned a lot. I took more than 2 hrs on most of these paintings with the exception of the round ball. In my previous submissions, I struggled to blend my colors well and have somewhat improved. I realized that I was jumping to rendering details too quickly, and had to actively pull back to focus on major color placement before going into the details. These assignments took me a long time mainly due to color picking taking me a while. I feel like I have a better sense of hue, saturation and value after doing all of these assignments. I also realize that focusing too much on rendering the main forms leads me to give up on the background. I still practice picking the correct hues but most of my effort goes towards the main subject. Textures were definitely a challenge but I learned a lot about changes in light on various textured objects. I'll keep applying these concepts to the oncoming lessons.
Haha, I can definitely see what you mean aboutgiving up on the backgrounds with the teacup picture! Generally you want to try to let your eye wander around painting, never hone in on one thing for too long, that will also help you work general to specific and not render too deeply too soon.
Jocelyn Sy
Here's my Week 03 assignment submissions. I identified the components of light in the photo references. These studies took me longer than a week due to the limited time I can spend doing these assignments. But I enjoyed doing them.This week's lessons made me look at things more analytically. Please feel free to comment and critique. Thanks.
Hello, here is my submission. I don’t have much experience with painting yet. It’s my first time attempting to draw light in the dark, and I’m quite pleased with the result. I would appreciate any feedback. btw, when I began learning shading with Dorian 3 or 4 months ago, I knew nothing about Krita. But look at where I am now! I can't wait to learn more about lighting and see what can I do! ^^ Each 1 took me 1 hour.
And here it is, definitely the most challenging week yet. The objects' texture + the lightning made "seeing" a bit difficult, but seeing in layers was this week's thing. There's lot to improve but I'm happy with what I got
Arman Jucutan
Hi folks, here are my submission for week 3. These were some difficult references. Hoping these turned out alright!
Filippo Galli
Here are the three painting assignments.
Filippo Galli
And here are a few observation pictures that I snapped or borrowed from my gallery.
Pamela D
I enjoyed using these photos and now that I am seeing the different types of light it is making the colour picking choices easier.
The grapes one really gave me a run for my money.
Spot the one that I stubbornly spent ten hours on! 😅 This is the most challenging art assignment I've done so far. The drawing with the grapes is especially insightful because the grapes are clearly green but visually have more gray and yellow in the photo with only a hint of green.
It's interesting to see how grey colors hold a painting together, I used to pick really saturated colors but I'm finding that a lot of colors are desaturated. I'm also noticing that the most saturation seems to be closer to the core shadows.
Martin Vrkljan
These were fun and complex! I'll be doing a couple more over the weekend, really love how translucent grapes are and how they catch light.
Martin Vrkljan
Also, I've been looking around my apartment for cool stuff to take photo of, found some cool translucent and frosted dice and my kids' cup. I'll be playing around with lighting these in a different way, very fun.
mostafa deif
I hope i get some critique for this one .... I've put much more time in the grapes one but i still like the fast painted marker
With the marker the things that stand out to me are mainly the primary highlight on the right side being a little rough and inconsistent. In the original, it's a pretty solid, straight line, but in your study it's very rough and textured which makes the surface feel a little off. Also, with the grapes, I think you struggled a little getting just the right value range. I can see that there are shadows and highlights where there are supposed to be shadows and highlights, which is more than I might be able to manage. However, some of the shadows aren't as deep and highlights not as bright as they should be. I think this can happen when you focus too much on a local area of the picture; it's very important to keep your eyes moving and keep an eye on the whole painting. Even though we're working digitally, I sometimes like to step away from my computer, even going back to the opposite wall of my room to look at a piece to see the big picture. Nice work! I know it's old, but I help this helps someone.
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About instructor
Jeremy teaches Light and Color and has worked for over 25 years in the animation, film and games industry, most notably at Pixar Animation Studios
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