Jocelyn Sy
Jocelyn Sy
Former traditional and 3d animator, drawing again after a long while and loving it. Follow my art journey as an aspiring digital artist.
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Jocelyn Sy
For the final week of this course, here's one part of the assignment, which is painting the Week 1 Bio-Mashup Creature in color. A line drawing version of this was my Week 4 Word Prompt assignment. My invented word is Red Zepandalabra, which was a combination of 3 animal types : Red Panda, Zebra and Labrador Retriever. I included these animals in the composition to visually explain the word. I took my time with this assignment. The background had so many iterations that at some point, I thought of removing it altogether. I had difficulty figuring out what setting they should all be at. Because the animals were drawn first without considering the background. I realized adding it later was much harder. I'm not so sure of the lighting. I just tried to apply all the things I learned so far in this course. Any critiques and comments are very much welcome and needed. The second part of the assignment is coming next.
Jocelyn Sy
Here's my Imaginative Bonus assignment for Week 4 . I'm re-using my Week 1 Bio-Mashup creature here and added drawings of a Red Panda, a Zebra and a Labrador Retriever to visually explain my word prompt - Zepandalabra. I added the word Red to describe it's color.
Jocelyn Sy
This assignment took me a long time to do. I can't imagine what design I can come up with the provided random shapes. Of all those shapes, I chose this. I forced a shark design out of it. Once the shark design was created, imagining what situation could fit this design came to me quite easily. The coloring part also took me longer as I have to now test all the things I've learned so far. I'm sure there's a lot of mistakes here. I hope someone in the community here can comment and critique this. So here's my Week 05 - Shape Shifter assignment: Shark Warning.
Jocelyn Sy
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Doing these studies within a time limit is a new experience for me. I went beyond the time limit for the first three and the last two images.
Jocelyn Sy
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Here's my Week 4 assignment about color temperature and color relativity. I tried matching the colors without using the color picker. I mostly used a limited palette of similar hues but differing in saturation and values for most of these, except for the skull that's lighted with the reds and blues at each sides. Feedback and comments are welcome.
Jocelyn Sy
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Here's my Week 03 assignment submissions. I identified the components of light in the photo references. These studies took me longer than a week due to the limited time I can spend doing these assignments. But I enjoyed doing them.This week's lessons made me look at things more analytically. Please feel free to comment and critique. Thanks.
Jocelyn Sy
Here's my Dobby painting assignment.
Jocelyn Sy
I had fun with these assignment. I found various animals and creatures in these textures. I kept the textures visible while adding color to the characters.
Jocelyn Sy
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Here's my week 2 assignment, I used Clip Studio Paint's blender tool to smooth-out transitions between values. ]
Jocelyn Sy
Here's my imaginative bonus assignment, a Bio-Mashup of a Red Panda, Labrador Retriever and Zebra. I know the assignment only asked for a drawing, but I wanted to see how it would look in color so I went ahead and finished it in color, using Clip Studio Paint.
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