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Vera Robson
added comment inHow to Mechanize Organic Forms
This demo by Peter is an artwork in its own right.
So many ideas and perspectives, this is mind blowing! I need to rewatch this several times before attempting the same exercise again.
Me to. It is too much fun. Great job by the way, so not so much procrastinating as more... a side quest? I thing they are great!
Vera Robson
The last tracing. I had been avoiding digital, but this exercise helped improve my linework, and it now feels less awful to draw digitally.
Can your drawing help me save 15% or more on....
Great work! Really beautiful.
don't know how you do that and these re excellent. I also want to work on with my cross contour lines after reading more about Moebius' works in this course. Yours are great.
Vera Robson
Asked for help
Last time I tried this course it was too advanced for me. Hopefully I learned enough by now to restart it!
Using a different reference since I already traced the one supplied too many times 🤣
Nice! This is a great study. Good for you for coming back to it.
There is always something to learn within anatomy. To deepen your understanding, you could study the connection points of the muscles, and how each muscle is layered. For example, the infraspinatus, teres minor, teres major, and long & medial head all connect to the humorous bone and interlace each other (shown in the full color image). The deltoid blankets all these connections, so it should be indicated that it is overlapping these muscles instead of sitting next to them (shown in the black and white image from Artistic Anatomy).
Hope that helps. You're doing great!
Vera Robson
In my case the drawing basics course on Proko helped greatly, not only to improve my skills, but also to figure out what else I need to learn.
Thank you for your suggestion! I've started with gesture drawing, but I guess i should have gone to drawing basics first. In that case, I'll finish these lessons first (since I'm in the middle of it) and then I'll get the drawing basics course right after it.