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added comment inFrom Blobs to Airplanes
Far from perfect but learning every day! Thanks for showing me to just “go for it”!
Of course when I do a rush job it ends up in the thumbnail! But thank you for the pointer, the band of the padlock was very off, even after adjusting after tilting the real thing around.
I really liked your padlocks. It inspired me to work on some similar curved objects in my apartment!
Here’s my try at drawing the boxes using the blob approach. haha, I don't think it came out that great. I feel like I might be missing something.
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Here's where I am at! Life has been busy: new job, travel, family... fun but busy. I am catching up on assignments and decided to draw my ink bottle.
I struggled quite a bit and used this forum to get inspired by you all. I need to continue to practice, but really did have a lot of fun with this exercise. I am enjoying the process as much as I can.
I notice that I struggle with defining my 'system' in correct proportions. My ink bottle has the base of a rectangular prism, only slightly longer than wide; however, I struggle to consistently draw a rectangular prism with that proportion.
With this exercise I chose to adhere to the virtue of the box rather than the virtue of the object. Once I did that, I had a ton of fun distorting and fitting my ink bottle into boxes, even if the proportions were wildly wrong.
I will continue to practice to get better, but wanted to share my update to keep myself honest.
Blondie the good
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Work has been hectic lately so couldn't find time to do these assignments on time,but i still want to share these with the community!,i like how some of these turned out and some not but i don't know how to do orthographic constructions that well so i hoping i will get a grasp of them in the future lessons😁
Blondie... this is incredible. Giving me inspiration to keep practicing over here.
Your line confidence really stands out. Proportions are excellent. You can consider me a fan! Well done.
Can your drawing help me save 15% or more on....
Great work! Really beautiful.
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During the assignment I wanted to get clean lines. So I took a soap container to get the lines as clean as possible.
The second object is a hand massage device. I kept my objects simple. :)
Great stuff! Really enjoyed how you simplified the hand massager.
P.S. - I have the same massager, it's a lifesaver!
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I chose 6 pieces of art from my favorite aritist on Instagram. In order:
1. @arturodraws
A fantastic artists who works with the Dallas Mavericks of the NBA. He created this rendition of Rodrigue Beaubois on March 27, 2024.
Diminution (3/5):
The rock formations do decrease in size as you move further away from the foreground, and the Golden Gate Bridge does appear smaller because it is further away. However, this piece does not seem to focus on the use of diminution because the player is huge!
Convergence (4/5):
The rock formations and bridge all seem to converge at a point off of the left of the canvas. The player himself converges to a different vanishing point to the right side of the canvas. I do think that the top of the bridge does not converge well to the same point, and thought that the further side of the support should be a bit higher than the closer side of the support.
Overlap (5/5):
Rock formations overlap one another, as well as the player in relation to the bridge.
Atmosphere (4/5):
My favorite part of this drawing. The left rock formations, trees in the background, and the shorts on the player are all faded to different degrees. Arturo even uses a splash of water to create a misty effect which I really love.
Going to post the highlights of the rest of the pieces to keep it shorter
2. @artwithbryn
My favorite part of this piece is that almost everything is faded for the atmospheric perspective. The only solid parts are parts of the swords and the pommel of the large sword. This piece is largely driven by atmosphere and overlap, with use of convergence as well. (D: 3/5) (C: 3/5) (F: 1/5) (O: 5/5) (A: 5/5)
3. @nicolasvsanchez
Organic forms with very few straight lines, so not the best to study perspective, but I love his work and wanted to try! The piece wasn't rendered to be realistic and was left 'fuzzy', so it is hard to determine any atmospheric perspective. The forearm of the person holding the child shows foreshortening, and the child overlaps the person to create depth. (D: 1/5) (C: 1/5) (F: 4/5) (O: 5/5) (A: 1/5)
4. @paulheaston
I love Paul's work. His videos are so soothing because he has such confidence in building out his drawings with relatively accurate perspective. I rated everything except atmosphere as a 5, because everything converges to vanishing point in the back left, objects get clearly smaller as they move away from the foreground, the objects overlap in the foreground and background to establish where they are in relation to the viewer. Atmosphere I gave a 2, because the background objects dont have hatching which gives a similar effect to fading away. Last note - first person point-of-view makes it very easy for the viewer to recognize the major parts of the drawing. (D: 5/5) (C: 5/5) (F: 5/5) (O: 5/5) (A: 2/5)
5. & 6.
One of the most creative artists on instagram that preaches and teaches perspective. The first picture of the skeleton is interesting because the perspective grid is bent in a fisheye lens, but everything still works! The major focus is the foreshortening of the body starting with the shoes closest to the viewer and working its way up to the head which is tiny. (D: 4/5) (C: 5/5) (F: 5/5) (O: 3/5) (A: 0/5)
The second image also is a masterclass of foreshortening, in my opinion. The perspective grid seems to be 1 point landing somewhere in the torso, not curved like the first piece. (D: 5/5) (C: 5/5) (F: 5/5) (O: 5/5) (A: 0/5)
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This assignment has me feeling like the kid in the back of the class who asks the teacher "Did you collect the homework for today?". Luckily I feel like I'm in a classroom with other students excited to draw lines and circles!
Thanks for the advise and challenge, Marshall. Here's a few attempts I made: some lines were accurate, most not. Regardless, I had fun practicing. I am starting to see what Peter Han said about correcting a line that isn't quite right.
My biggest takeaways:
I tried to stop resting my elbow/forearm on a hard surface when drawing lines. Resting on my chair's arm or the table gives me a lot of stabilization, but I do want to get better at drawing lines regardless of my environment.
Pulling towards my body almost always resulted in a cleaner line, while pushing away resulted in a more gestural line, which I found interesting.
Using a Helix circle is hard when you haven't tried it before! I started to get the hang of it, but definitely need more practice.
Circles are my favorite shape. They are just so beautiful!
"Time is a flat circle" - Rust Cohle
Nice practice, good job!
You've reminded me of a circle-based lyric I like, from mewithoutyou:
"All circles presuppose they'll end where they begin
But only in their leaving can they ever come back round"
I never expected my work to be critiqued! I appreciate it a lot and thank you for your words of advice. It makes me want to practice and get better that much more!