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added comment inAssignment - Melted Pancakes with Philip Dimitriadis - Part 2
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This is a great assignment! Learned a bunch just doing this quick little drawing.
I like this, especially the way you fit everything in…the overlaps, the shapes, everything receding, all those contour and construction lines. It’s nice to look at it and be able to understand how it all works together.
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Well, I think these are an actual improvement over my first assignment, so that’s a good thing. YAY!😆
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Unfortunately I struggled so much doing a stone-landscape. Maybe because I hardly ever drew anything out of imagination or even out of a flow. So I had to incorporate manmade forms to help me out. The result is still embarrassing, but I am here to learn..
I have that in common with you, but I think your drawing is really cool! I love the way you reference ancient ruins. So much scope for this exercise.
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Not going to lie, I found the process of this very satisfying. Not sure what it says about me that I enjoy marking things out, using the tools and just playing at being precise. 🤷♂️😂
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Here they are, hierarchy of importance and shadow / light direction. On to watch the demos!
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I love looking at everyone’s posts for this assignment! As usual, mine are pretty basic, but, you’ve given me something to work towards. I had a hard time getting my head around these, for some reason, probably classic overthinking. 🤦♂️😂 I’ll just keep working (playing?) at this. It’s a cool exercise!
I like the simplicity of the form you used as well. Since I'm also a beginner with a learning perspective, I did mine pretty simplistically to start me out. I also thought this was a fun exercise to use to learn and play around with as well. Which I also plan on doing.
You're doing well. Just remember that everyone is coming to this course with a different level of prior experience -- really great student work in here is just as much a reflection of the hard work they've put in before this class as it is a record of their growth here *in* the class. You're on the right track, so keep it up, and take Rachel Dawn Owens' advice!
Looks like you’re overthinking things just enough. I dig these super simple forms. They are really clean.
If you want to bump it up a notch, consider big, medium and small shapes. Mix them around the composition to guide the eye.
Where do you want the focal areas to be? Add some smaller forms around where you want the focus to be.
Johannes S.
I love airplanes! I have a bunch of models and I doodle them during meetings and phonecalls. They are challenging in terms of perspective and memorizing proportions.
These are sketches of Mig-15 and F-68 Sabres - they are early jet era planes and quite "blobb-like".
First attempts. Theses are pretty fun, learned a lot from watching the demos, and I’ll definitely be doing more of these, because planes!
I love the pyramid nose you added to the plane! seeing it sectioned in the first drawing kind of blew my mind. I've never thought to visualize it that way.
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I liked the 2 points exercise a lot. I can see how these would be useful for warmups, my forearm is feeling it!
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Decided to have a go at the level 2 assignment and see what comes of it. I actually enjoyed it, although I don’t think a quite achieved the goal, I’m quite pleased with some of these. My struggle is to not get caught up in detail and my perfectionist tendencies. I need to work on letting go of that strong desire to make it look “real”, and play more with shapes and sizes. Still, it feels like progress was made with this.😀
Progress is made every time you make marks on the page 😁 These are perfect for this exercise, you're definitely on the right track. Experimenting with shapes is a great idea, and can add lots of personality to your drawings. This is just an introduction to the concept, so take the ideas you developed here and run with them!