Activity Feed
I kinda did the same thing twice for the rhino, oops
I love doing exercises like these! Just wish I had one of my giant sketchbooks with me
Making the ruler line a different color is really smart.
Opened up my Natural History book from the Smithsonian and the Emerald Tree Skink was the first animal on the page that grabbed my attention. Lizards are adorable but its hard to know where to place their limbs. (1/3/24)
Martha Muniz
Nice work, and such a cool pick! Something that helps me when learning a new subject is measuring proportions of a mass/shape against nearby ones--like in this instance, the distance between the head and the start of the arms seems to be the same length as the cranium mass. I think even sectioning the body into different parts based on thickness, like the neck, torso, and tail, could also be worth a try. Of course, since we are sketching from imagination, you are more than free to change proportions and play around with different breakdowns, so this is one way of approaching it that could make it easier to tackle.
I know that I'm too tense in my grip but this really showed me that.
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