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JR Anderson
added comment inColour Question: Dim Indoor Portrait (+Transitional Lighting/Subsurface Scattering)
Hi, here is my interpretation of the of the lighting. I like to add a bit of mystery with colors. I only used the cloak color and background light orangey color using values and large blocks of color to create a mood.
Thank you, good advice. Currently working on the everchanging bean idea along with Stan. I keep filling sheets with them. It will be a while before I can draw them out in one swoosh though.
JR Anderson
Patrick, I like your teaching style, how to handle the charcoal stick is excellent, thank you.
Gannon Beck
42nd Day of Proko and Counting.
Two five minute sketches and two 10 minute sketches.
Marco Sordi
Asked for help
2024/1/17. Good morning everybody. Here’s another legs muscles diagram. Thanks for any comment or critique.
I like the overall drawing and detail you've shown and (muscle callouts). She looks like she is lifting the weight. Is the drawing from a reference photo, I ask because the throat looks to be a bit farther out in the larynx area. What do you think?
Asked for help
Hello! I'm pretty new to drawing. This set is from today -- the first 2 images are 30s and the last 3 are 2m. I've been struggling to get the 2m ones done in time.
Feedback would be appreciated!
Great start, are these pencil or ? Beginning drawing is all about practice and getting instuctions from Stan. I'd start with the Figure Drawing Fundamentals course by @Proko worth every penny spent. Draw every day is the best advice.
I think you are in the process of learning to see. It takes a while to get it. Try looking at your drawings you made with the idea of seeing the bits of action that look okay. That's progress a bit at a time. Keep drawing when you can, watch Stan's videos and practice along with him.
JR Anderson
Asked for help
Here is my attempt to twist the figure like the photo. The photo was reduced more to shapes. The drawing in the middle was 40 minutes and the outside practice frames 2 minutes. Suggestions welcomed.
Right now, I'm looking at a melody of art videos including Stan's Figure drawing course, Force Drawing gestures and others. They all have their benefit for the beginning artist (me) with positive thoughts on what I do wrong now, encouraging correction and then what is possible with practice and determination. @Joseph Osley is correct about Proko's Figure Drawing Fundamentals course. I signed up during Christmas 12-day sale and now determined to watch and draw a lesson a day. Of course, the truth is like anything else, today's video done, next day done, then back a day because I missed something and watch again. It revolves around what @Gannon Beck had mentioned, (daily drawing).
JR Anderson
Lots of practice and doing your fundamentals are key to finding out if drawing is right for you. It's never a deal breaker to have fun and that's what art making is all about. Take time to view and follow Stan's instructions! In time you will have your beautiful pictures to be proud of.
JR Anderson
I liked this challenge, this being the last day of 12 Days of Proko. I want to thank the folks at PROKO for their excellent resources and livestreams. I'm encouraged to continue. Charcoal on newsprint.