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Florian Haeckh
added comment inProject - Notan Master Thumbnails
Asked for help
Great project. Actually something I got into lately. The penil-studies are from this project, the digital studies have I done before but are the same idea.
Wow! Beautiful thumbnails!
Florian Haeckh
Hey guys, just wanted to share my studies on Folds in drapery. Not exhaustive but hopefully helpful to some. Also, if you have feedback, please don't hold back. All the best. Flo
Florian Haeckh
Asked for help
1st image are the first 5 poses Proko provided. 2nd image are torsos from sketchdaily.
These look awesome! Great work. I see you struggled a bit with #3 -- I in the reference image I'm seeing a bit more of a downward angle of the shoulders than you have here. If you find the right angle, and then emphasize the stretch and compression of the sides of the box, I think that one will look amazing! Hope that helps :)
I think these are really good. They seem alive, like they're moving :) Also kind of effortless - I had a hard time figuring out twists and how much to show overlaps, yours seem settle but just enough. Great job!
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Chess board and pieces
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Pirate Ship. Left it simplified, hope that still counts. If not, I will sue...
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Sick! I saw this photo as well, but was afraid to tackle this beast. However, use slayed it!.
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Pew Pew!
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Logcabin - harder than expected.
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