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Blondie the good
added comment inAssignment - How to Draw in One-Point Perspective
Asked for help
I had so much fun doing these 3d names but i admit it's a bit trickier than marshall made it look😅!,took me a couple of tries to get the gist of it.
i tried doing a ortho plane aswell with proportions in mind,don't know it turned out well or not but i'll keep trying!
Solid study page. Bonus points for attempting the curved text.
Nick Quason
Very good!
Tim K
Asked for help
That was fun, I remember doing this in school after learning 1-point in art class 25 years ago..
That was fast!
Also I used to do these names in one point perspective too when I was kid!
Blondie the good
Trying to free hand these is such a pain but still I'm satisfied by how these turned out😁
Asked for help
Blondie the good
Yeah my biggest problem is rushing through the process despite knowing that whatever tutorial,lesson etc i'm watching is sped up and trying to mimic that unrealistic speed which inevitably leads tooo so many mistakes and that leads to even more time fixing them.
i'll try to think before making a mark on the page and slow down things a bit.
this was really helpful👍
Guadalupe Belgrano
Asked for help
Hello, for this assignment I started with a matchbox, something very simple that would help me understand my frequent mistakes. Then I moved on to a ceramic house and finally to a mouse, which was not easy at all. While making them, I watched the following video, The Blob Approach, and tried to apply that method to the mouse.
Asked for help
Hi, Please feel free to have a browse through some of my drawings and feedback is always welcome! I'm going to ramble on a bit with my experience with this assignment. This was a whole lot of fun, although it did take me a while to get through! I spent roughly a day on each page, except for the planes which took longer. I found that drawing very boxy shapes like my cat eared note holder, toy train and earphones case were not too difficult to draw. They felt very much like drawing simple boxes with a few little marks here and there to show a change in form. the clock was much more challenging as I was turning a cylinder into a box and that kept throwing me off from getting the positioning of the alarm bells right. it was also really difficult to figure out how I wanted to rotate those alarm bells so I settled for just having them float on top of the main body and focussed instead on the perspective of the simpler forms. Finally, the planes! I took these on as a challenge after watching Peter Han draw his train! It was a lot of fun and I noticed a shift in how I look at objects from "this is a plane" to "this is a war plane designed to be light, fast and powerful. it needs to mount its guns here..." and so on. that part was fun! getting the perspective right was much more challenging though! I'm finding that trying to fit multiple boxes in the same world and make them look like they're aligned is so much more challenging than drawing individual boxes. And the scaffolding of perspective lines can be really easy to get lost in if I'm not focussed. this was also my first time using tracing paper and though I liked how clean my results ended up, It did make me realise that i quite liked the charm of having some underlying construction lines. anyways, lots of learning and lots of realising how much i have yet to learn! I will do my best to get my future assignments done in time for the critique :)
Nice!,really love the plane constructions.did you do these with free hand or with rulers?,either way the forms look solid and the proportions look correct aswell!
keep up the good work👍
Blondie the good
Asked for help
Work has been hectic lately so couldn't find time to do these assignments on time,but i still want to share these with the community!,i like how some of these turned out and some not but i don't know how to do orthographic constructions that well so i hoping i will get a grasp of them in the future lessons😁
Blondie... this is incredible. Giving me inspiration to keep practicing over here.
Your line confidence really stands out. Proportions are excellent. You can consider me a fan! Well done.
Blondie the good
I've seen this being implemented in draw-box,dynamic sketching,industrial drawings and some other courses out there and have to say my line quality,pen and arm control has improved tremendously after doing this for a year or so and doing these simple warm-ups for like 10min a day like Peter mentioned really does help!.Even using a fineliner instead of pencil from time to time really promotes the mindset of "think before you make a mark" and getting over the fear of doing bad drawings! So I would definitely recommend this to everyone!
Blondie the good
Asked for help
I did my level best and tried to keep them simple with straight lines and not over complicating for now!(I haven't drawn straight lines in a while so they're a bit jancky here and there😅)