Sean Z
Sean Z
Activity Feed
I am curious how beholden you feel to your initial blobs. If you feel it is off to you iterate on your blob? Or is the point just to get something on the page?
Sean Z
I would say the blob is to be used as a helpful tool rather than something to be married to. It is probable that the initial blob isn't 'perfect,' so the moment you feel the blob is too inaccurate for your liking, adapt accordingly rather than be held prisoner to something that was just an estimation in the first place.
Roderick Taylor
Here's my personal design. I was surprised how often I had to slow myself down to think about where parts went. I can see a pretty fun expanded version of this with many overlapping cars of different sorts.
Sean Z
Very fun to look at! Love this idea
Sean Z
I didn't expect to spend so much time on this assignment, but honestly I was just relieved after using the ruler. I hope this class will be enough to never visit perspective again (or at least stave off a few years or decades). Glad to be taking this class with others! The attached photos are steps up to the final image. I originally wasn't going to shade this thing, but I saw more of a flat image than an illusion with just the lines. I hope it works! I don't even know what I'm looking at anymore, time to sleep.
Rachel Dawn Owens
Jacob Granillo
This drawing is very well constructed! Jaw dropping!
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