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The chainsaw was a bit more than I could chew. Just these two for now but hopefully I will have time for a couple more throughout the week
Melanie Scearce
These look amazing! Great job. The chainsaw looks super difficult but you handled it well. The back view of the shoe looks a bit like it's in perspective. The front section of the shoe is lifted above the heel which makes it look like it's moving back in space. In ortho views, they should be on the same line. If you drew lines behind each ortho view, all of the landmarks should match up. When it put them together, you have a turnaround!
Glenn Hughes
I chose a stapler for this exercise. The back and front were more complex than i'd anticipated.
I can't put my finger on why but it looks so charming, it has a good silly vibe to it
So the assignment, this time around, embodied all that I avoid drawing usually. I small little singular objects and fool myself that it's enough, but when faced with a whole scene I get overwhelmed. I am almost embarrassed to show these and to admit that it might be the first time doing a full scene, even though the art that I love most is the one that focuses on the background rather than the characters. Which means that I will have to focus on this assignment more than usual and push forward past the feeling of discomfort. That being said, I am so pleasantly surprised to see that this course also has lessons like this, that force you to create and not just learn
ok this is definitely progress, I am starting to figure space out I think, I will throw a party for finally arriving at this place
It seems I had lost my intuition on how to do this in 8th grade, spent a little bit of time regaining it
Marshall Vandruff
Good job!
Randy Pontillo
I took the opportunity to practice with my chisel pen after i was done (its a 3.8mm Pilot Parallel Pen for the curious)
you were very inspirational
oh i love the bridges you drew
Marc Martí
Hi Marshall, Phil, and fellow course companions! I was in the middle of the assignment when a question came into my mind or more like, into my drawing. I was adding layers of pancakes at the top of the column, and as I kept piling them, they got closer and closer to the horizon line until they ended up crossing it! I don't think that's supposed to happen, they look kinda tilted in the background. Is this supposed to happen, or am I doing something wrong?
This is a bit above my ability to explain but I will try my best and I hope it'll be clear and correct enough So when you look at a round form from below there are 2 things to keep in mind. (1) the more towards you it is facing, the more open the circle will be. An (2) the further you go from the point you are watching, the more open the circles will be. Now if you look at diagram (3), first time around, the circles have more or less the same opening, making it seem as if you're looking at a symmetrical object. But the second time around, they get bigger faster at the top than they do at the bottom, making it seem as if the top one is bending away. Going to your drawing, let's first look at red circles, since they are more circular. They are pretty much the same distance from the horizon line but the second one is much more open. It creates the problem from diagram (3). Now the blue circle, It has the exact same issue, it is not that far from the horizon line, you would not be seeing such a big part of it, unless it were bending. Look at the circumferences you drew below, and try to maintain them. Although overall your lines and curves were really nice and clean and honestly big probs to you for noticing that it looks like it bends, it's hard to be that observant with your own work. And these pancakes are really mailable and subjective so I'm not sure how precise one needs to be.
I'm late to the plane party due but this was a journey. You find challenges where you expect it less I suppose. So in order of events 1. I went for a simple blob approach first. I was simple and pleasant although visualizing a foreshortened blob is definitely a challenge 2. Did a blob and then boxed it. Now, what bothered me here was that the blob did show that the plane was thinner towards the back but the box did not. I tried to add a smaller box and connect them but it did not look right. 3. Plane from boxes, nice and clean and pleasant. 4. At this point it was bothering me that I couldn't visualize how something smaller at the back, with the back facing towards me, would look. So here I did some form explorations with 2 boxes. They aren't very well done but I did learn from them I think 5. This time I tried to do the plane from the back as foreshortened as I could. It's not very symmetrical because I was tired at this point, but I do think I mostly got it. I expected to finish this homework fast but the more I drew this plane the more I felt like was missing. Honestly even now I feel like I could do much more but for today I am satisfied.
Your bent/‘organic’ perspective lines look really cool
I just find it fascinating how accurate these guesses are
Marshall Vandruff
Well, thank you for catching me doing something right. For all the off-guesses, I apologize. For the accurate ones, I'll vacillate between pride and fear.
Maria Bygrove
Playing with the new perspective app - it's brilliant and so generous to provide so much reference for free! Again and again I find that I struggle with getting the initial angles right. I tried to draw exactly what I saw on the screen and still my box cross ended up both rotated and tilted in relation to the reference. Apparently I'm rubbish at judging angles ;) Also, while I was at it, I practiced some overlapping forms. I think I've go the hang of crossing cubes but spheres make my brain hurt :(
oh your post reminds me, maybe you have this site or don't need it, but I have it in my bookmarks and I look at it when I want to feel trippy https://eyes.training/intersections/
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