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I feel I am missing something but I am somewhat happy with how these turned out
Rachel Dawn Owens
It looks like you got it
My 2nd attempt with drawings objects from blobs in perspective. I tried slightly harder objects as I did my calculator from a few different angles and then my fan. The fan was kinda difficult and honestly just looks weird but I'm not sure if it's because I didn't put enough detail for it to "look right" or just a weird angle.
Marshall Vandruff
Not a problem of lack of detail, but a fan is advanced. To simplify, you can think of it as a slice of cylinder - a can. But for this project, boxy is best.
I actually quite enjoyed this! I spent an hour drawings different objects in my room from different angles using the 'blob' method. I first started with a box from my mind and then moved onto drawing my nail file, sharpener, nail kit, air pod case and kitchen timer. I felt they looked alright but I'm not so sure how to do these with more complex objects
Rachel Dawn Owens
Looks like you’re getting it! This is perfect. Start with the biggest shape and then refine it with smaller and smaller shapes.
Reid Siegrist
Think I tired to make it too complicated for myself? Before and after
Definitely an improvement! Similar to the first one I drew where I didn't show the sharp edges in the pear
Asked for help
Fun to draw but I think mine might be a bit too messy
Looking good!
Michael Hampton
Nice job!
Mark Zhao
Hi, here are my master drawing line study with James Gurney and Jeff Watt. unfortunately I dont have charcoal and I am not sure about what did James Gurney used in his drawing so I just used graphite. I lost patient a bit when I was drawing so I didn't get the poportion right in the drawing of Jeff Watt. I would like to hear your feedback and thank you for your support.
These look awesome! I will say that the bottom of your skulls jaw is larger on the right side than on the left
Did the shapes, outline and shading by myself and then went back while watching the critique video and this was the final drawing
Myra Engels
Hi, I am new with drawing. And i was wondering how do you get your drawing to be like that. I mean with some white thingys between it. Like little snowflakes, idk if that makes sense haha. But do you use certain type of paper?
The before demo drawing on the left and the after demo drawing on the right. I notice now that I didn't make either ror the drawings dark enough but I definitely feel that the right side drawing is better in simplifying the shapes
Had a lot of fun with these! Blue are drawn from imagination, red are drawn from reference
Love the gesture on these!
Practise drawings of the head construction
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