Reid Siegrist
Reid Siegrist
Activity Feed
Reid Siegrist
Had a bit of a hard time with this one and want to revisit it. I had a hard time getting confident lines with both the vr girl and the hand. My eyes kept going to different places and I’d lose track of where I was. Going to retry in the coming days.
Melanie Scearce
These look great! The confident lines will come with practice so I think it's a great idea to retry this exercise. Good luck :)
Reid Siegrist
Here is my attempt at the boots and the snail. I tried to do the snail and the right boot at a fast pace but take my time on the left boot and just kind of enjoy the process a bit more. I know my lines are a bit rushed I definitely have to slow down myself a little bit but in the spirit of going quick my brain sped up my arm and made some non ideal lines. Any feedback would be appreciated!
Mate these are great
Looks great!! As a beginner, the only thing that I can easily identify and critique is that in both drawings you have a case of some repetitive lines/shapes that immediately drew my eye and clash with the rest of the work; the 3 C curves on the lefthand inside edge of the right boot, and to a lesser extent the C curves on the bottom side of the snail. This gets talked about as the "Snowman effect," in the critique video and I found it very insightful!
Reid Siegrist
Here is my before and after the critique. Any feedback would be helpful. Feel like i tried to overcomplicate it?
Melanie Scearce
Hey! Great improvement. Your second pear has a lot more volume. I recommend trying to find more form in the light value range. There's not much going on in that broad shape of light value other than the highlight shapes. See if you can add a bit more information there! Good luck :)
Reid Siegrist
Think I tired to make it too complicated for myself? Before and after
Definitely an improvement! Similar to the first one I drew where I didn't show the sharp edges in the pear
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