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added comment inIs it ok to post our own challenges here?
Let's see what the community wants. We were planning on keeping this category clean with only official challenges, but if there is enough interest in allowing user created challenges, I'm ok with it. I can just pin the official ones to the top.
Let's VOTE.. Reply to this comment with your thought!
I love the idea of user submitted challenges! Let's do it! Perhaps there can be seperate categories for official and user challenges respectively?
Hey, you're making a good effort! I like the clear twist in the top middle pose. When you do your gestures, try to draw bigger and use long, sweeping lines. Make a conscious effort to draw from your arm and shoulder instead of just your wrist. This may mean less poses fit on the page, but it'll help you focus on the big ideas.
Asked for help
Woah, spines! I'm gonna post this first exercise separate from the other two for now; this is part of my third attempt at the assignment. Taking the time to measure angles, lengths and end point locations before building the forms (instead of blindly shooting lines out of the blue and hoping for the best) did wonders! Any advice or notes?
I think you understand well the 3-d forms and the movement of the spine. The main issue for you is proportion. You're drawing the bucket way too small, Also the head and the rib cage aren't constant either.
Try tracing over the structure over the reference and compare the relative sizes of the parts and then try again with those relationships in mind.
Best regards
Asked for help
Well, there's the anatomy tracing exercise! I understand this as more of an introduction to the learning tool than anything else, but I wanted to give it a shot as somebody who vaguely knows these muscle groups starting out.
I'm not sure If I'm seeing the flat areas well, so finding the tendon areas on the back were difficult on the last image. I am also not sure about the tendon areas of the abdominal sections in particular, either. Fiber directions are meant to show my understanding of insertion/origin when present. A lot of important muscles seem to connect around the scapula, so I found that pretty tough. Any advice or important things I missed? Any way I can push this exercise?
(Labels on the first tracing was identification practice and weren't meant to stay there, but oh well!)
These look like you have a good start. One thing i noticed in the drawing studies was defining the origins of 3 distinct portions of pectoralis major- clavicular, sternal and abdominal seem a little off, so that may be something to consider going forward. Hope that helps.
Asked for help
I did the joint assignment a while ago, but I remember where I struggled and it hasn't gone away. Any tips for blocking out feet+its joints (big problem area for me!) or interpreting the joints correctly? Any specific tips about the fingers would also be wonderful--you can tell I totally gave up on them!
i' don't know if you already do this (correct me if i'm wrong), but it seems to me that you jump directly to draw the bones as you see them. Maybe you could try to simplify everything more (just start with boxes) and then add on top more complex forms. Also for the finger i tend to use first a basic gesture and then trasform eveything into boxes. Don't put yourself down, you're doing good keep pushing and you will be succesfull :D
Asked for help
I've never gotten feedback like this, so I'm excited!
Hi @Shea Nice drawing! It has a good sense of structure and a decent likeness! You have mapped out the shadow side of the face well and with appropriate edges.
Don´t be afraid though, to go dark in the shadows. Look at the reference and compare the parts that are in light and the parts that are in shadow. Note how much darker the value in the shadows are compared to the lights. A LOT darker. If you can get this in your drawing it´ll have much more "punch" and be easier to read. All you´ve done is added a darker tone and it makes a huge difference!
Hope this helps :)