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Steve Lenze
added comment inNeed help with rendering
Hey unraveler,
This is a cool design, and the face is really nice.
I think before you worry too much about rendering your character, you should make sure your figure is structurally sound. Remember to build your figures out of shapes to make sure they feel solid and dimensional, then add detail.
I did a quick sketch over your drawing to show you some of the things that could help :)

Thanks Steve! I will incorporate your critique in my next round of fixing
Hi all,
I am quite terrified of rendering my artwork and would like a new pair of eyes to help me look through my painting. It is not yet fully done but I am worried about 'muddy colours'
Jason Horvath
Finish it ? I showed a friend of mine this sketch and we can see the lines visually . Do a finished piece .
Steve Lenze
Hey theunraveler,
This is a very complex image, so I get why you are wondering about the perspective before you go too far. I checked your perspective and its correct. The thing is, it's kind of boring and flat. I did a sketch to show you some of the things I would do to add more dimension and interest.
Your perspective is telling us that we are looking up at the statures in the cove, so I would push the feeling by making the pillars get smaller as they are moving up and away from us. I don't know if you are using reference for this, but this is what I would do. I also made a few other notes that I hope you find helpful :)
Thank you very much, that was very enlightening..great to know my perspective is on the right least i got something down lol
thanks for ur time!
Izak van Langevelde
It is hard to eyeball it, so either you carefully construct the vanishing point for each recess, or you model this in a 3d program like blender.
Thanks, I am avoiding Blender for now....I want to do this as a pure 2d work to practice perspective. As long as it looks somewhat believable I guess its ok
Hi all,
I envision 3 rectangular recess into the wall and having these 3 statues in it but am worried the perspective might not be accurate
Steve Lenze
Hey theunraveler,
These look pretty good, nice gesture in the figure drawing. I think you would benefit very much by thinking about the structure that underlines your drawing. It will help you line up all your features and keep everything feeling solid. I did some draw overs to show you what I mean. I hope you find some value in them, keep drawing :)
Some are original works, others are master studies.
Maybe there already is one but I am not acquainted with but I dont think it would be a bad idea for this place to have a sketch book forum so individuals can post and it be like a sketch dump for all to view and get inspiration
Dan B
For breast placement, they should be 'pulled up' by her raised arms, where in your image they appear to sit in their natural relaxed state. If she is running they probably also wouldn't be sitting quite like that, but you could argue artistic license in not drawing them affected by her movement.
For the lighting, how intense is the fireball (?) light intended to be? Currently it appears quite a soft light going by the lit areas of her body, rather than a bright, sharp light. See for instance in this image how brightly lit the guy on the right's forearms and back are by a fairly small light source.
Yet... as I quickly browsed for similar drawings online it seems a lot of artists go with softly lit, so perhaps it's not an issue :p