Mira Sand
Sofia, Bulgaria
Freelance illustrator and concept artist, based in Bulgaria. Two time winner of the Proko Challenge :)
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Tom McLean
added comment inLightbox 2021 Portfolio Reviews
Hi Everyone! So excited its like writing to Santa. Basically I have flip flopped between wanting to work in game and animation but realised I need to focus much more on my form and fundamentals before specialising. I would spend so long painting fixing drawing mistakes, so any help showing my drawing problems would be greatly appreciated! Appreciate everyone's time.
Tom McLean
Mira Sand
Oh I absolutely love that bear! Such great poses and so much character!
Mira Sand
Hello! My name is Mira and I currently do character illustration and concept art. I've been working as a freelance artist for the past three years but I feel stuck at the moment. I really want to level up!
I dream about becoming a content creator and creating high-fantasy art for big industry names (MTG, Hearthstone, League of Legends etc...)
I feel like I've come a long way, but I'm still so far. Any advice is highly appreciated!
Anyone know if the announcement date has been pushed back?
The urban legend says that the talented engineers at Wacom created a special -and very complicated- experimental secret code for all their products every time they needed to fight their own creative blocks.
Until one day I've found this to be true!
It was after many hours trying to solve a creative challenge, I fell asleep on my keyboard and, I just don't know how but my face got the right code for my Intuos Pro!
Intense lights and sounds woke me up... my drawing pad was no longer on my desk, it was standing next to me! waiting to introduce itself -himself!- as Wacoman, protector of the creative nature ready to take me into his never-ending fight against the relentless creative block.
"Sokko" - The sock puppet hero
Though Sokko is quite generic looking, I enjoyed making his simplistic fit.
I had a few free hours this the week and found this prompt sweet!
I introduce you to Captain Fetuccini. Cooking 5 star meals during the day, kicking ass during the night. Food critics and evildoers beware.
Introducing the "THE WRAP LEAGUE" featuring Burrito-man, Samosa Boy and Lady Spring
As someone who loves wraps in any shape and form, I am the Wrap League's enemy number one >:)
Asked for help
Oreo Man! Any tips? (I’m a beginner 😔🥺)
I think it looks great as you are a beginner. I would suggest that you focus more on color, light and maybe later on anatomy as it's a more complex subject to really bring the life into your work.
Love these challenges. I am working in building up my portfolio, and having a theme to work on is excellent. My character is called Quesonator, the guardian of cheese, of Spanish descent.
Asked for help
My reference, sketch and final submission for my unexpected hero, my grandma and her sidekick-my cat.
I really love this, I love the paint style of this piece, it has an "UP" feeling to it