Proko Challenge Unexpected Superheroes - FINAL SUBMISSIONS HERE
Stan Prokopenko
August 2021 Proko Challenge with judge Ryan Benjamin is here! This thread is for posting your FINAL SUBMISSIONS ONLY. Remember to upvote your favorites from other participants. We will have a community choice award :) To post your works in progress, and get the challenge details, rules, and prizes go to: *EDIT: This challenge is closed! Congrats to all the winners! See reaction video and winners here - Heroes or Zeroes? Pro Comic Artist Reacts!
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Red speeder he came from parallel universe to our world by crossing the wrong time line
Shelvs Fleurima
I submitted my work in the wrong place. Dang
Leandro Cabrio
"Who is a good boy? =3"
Casey Chavez
I love the cloak! Nice job!
Ayub M. Nur
Issue 1 of "The Polar Robed Globe Comic" An ice robot hero that can not only create snow but can also teleport anything it touches, as long as its points to it on the globe.
My character name is sam his an anti hero but an hero non the less . He was sent to limbo because he died to early. The 3 witches that protects the realm to heaven cast him to earth so he can stop the entrance to the soul realm
cool guy
Marsha Pickett
The character presents too complicated to read clearly.
I like your inking style.
Burningarmadillo Elor
Extraterrestrial forces corrupted the Earth, bringing extinction upon the human race. A small military group tried creating superhuman forces to fight the extraterrestrials. They're called the Chimera Squad and are made of humans whose DNA was genetically mutated to enhance them in many different ways. ApeCrime is a former military soldier who was chosen for the Chimera project because of his great battle skills that he had showed while defending the Earth from extraterrestrial forces. His genetic mutation are his monkey limbs which can lift over 10 000 pounds. Another augmentation of his is the possibility to change the limbs he loses in battle, which in turn gives him extra strength
The mecha arm design here is awesome!
Sebastián Flores
Wow strong character for sure. Love all the mechanical details you put into it.
Cyn Illustrations
Interesting concept, digging his design. Nice work!
Burningarmadillo Elor
Extraterrestrial forces corrupted the Earth, bringing extinction upon the human race. A small military group tried creating superhuman forces to fight the extraterrestrials. They're called the Chimera Squad and are made of humans whose DNA was genetically mutated to enhance them in many different ways Project: Wendygo is the youngest in the squad. She was one of the first experiments in the Chimera project. Her DNA is modified with DNA strands from a rabbit, which came with a side effect of turning into a rabbit-like wendigo creature that she couldn't control. She has a built-in microchip inside of her head which lets her take control of her "wendigo mode". This modification also gave her super strength and the ability to heal rapidly.
The composition of this design is really nice.
Lasse Jin Brøgger
Cool character and nice story. Very well done :)
Burningarmadillo Elor
Extraterrestrial forces corrupted the Earth, bringing extinction upon the human race. A small military group tried creating superhuman forces to fight the extraterrestrials. They're called the Chimera Squad and are made of humans whose DNA was genetically mutated to enhance them in many different ways. Dr Chimera and Fox Squad worked together on this project. He was the first test subject. He combined his DNA with the DNA of leeches that naturally have 32 brains. This created a side effect of his brain massively expanding. It grew so much that it needed to be extracted so he would survive. His consciousness was put inside a body of a lab fox. Since his brain is a separate entity from his body, he wears a mecha suit to be able to be able to fight . His superpower is being able to call and control other foxes.
Interesting concept and design!
Dans Levide
Yo burning you here man! Love the character design on this one
This is amazing, runner up for cutest hero :D
[This is very rushed and unfinished, with largely invented anatomy, and is posted well after the deadline. BUT I'm happy with the concept, and I'd like to make a habit of submitting to these challenges more often :) ] DJINN & JUICE The Grape-Headed Gallavant! The Corked Crusader! The Wishy Wash-It-Down Wiz! Released from a wine bottle after 1,000 years, this genie finds that he's fused with his substrate! Now he'll grant your any wish, as long as you're wishing for a good time! Villains everywhere tremble... heroes never die, and this one ages like wine!
Lasse Jin Brøgger
Nice one! :)
Dheeraj R
Here comes "THE KAAL" often called as "MR. CLOCK" is the son of "Sand clock" When the earth was created there as no time system on earth and, so to teach the importance of managing work "TIME LORD" came on earth and from generation to generation the clock is evolving and now we have clock with hands and numbers on it ,which is controlled by KAAL [The clock, as superhero (unexpected)], now he has got information that humans are wasting time so he is back. a secret I waste lots of time maybe he may come to my home, Do you waste time, comment below and "Be aware or Mr. Clock will be there" with his two hands (minute and hour)
Lasse Jin Brøgger
Looks cool! :)
Sebastián Flores
At the end of the second decade of the 21th century, a huge evil force invaded and attacked the entire world. To save those in need a cure was urgent to fight against this powerful enemy. From different regions of the world the new group of heroes emerged: FIGHT SIR: A true warrior, and a true gentleman. CANSEENOW: The canine with clairvoyance, xrays and heat vision. MODERNA: Equipped with modern tech and great agility. ASTRA: An entity blessed with the power of a burning star, but watchout, because by staying too close you can be the one burnt. CAW-BEE SHIELD: An armored crow, with a powerful scream and a big shield equipped with a sharp sting, because sometimes attack is the best defense! SPUTNIK: A missing satelite that returned to earth after being irradiated by a cosmic energy. It became inteligent and made a mechanical body out of other satelites and space garbage. Togheter, they became the antibody for this virus, the became the bodyguards of the world... now, they are "THE ANTIBODYGUARDS". Take a look on the "Assignments" section for process pictures and closeups if you like :)
Lasse Jin Brøgger
Amazing render. This is really good :)
Victoria Dray
At the last minute, I present to you WIFI-MEN!!! He will protect you from all the bad stuff of the internet, from spies, bots, viruses, internet trolls, and the uprising artificial intelligence!
Leandro Cabrio
Oh! That's neat! I would read this comic =D
Lasse Jin Brøgger
That looks really good. I love it :)
Sky SanGue
Better be late than never. LAST ENTRY MAN!
Lasse Jin Brøgger
Great concept! :D
Andrew Boucher
THE SPOT ADOPTER he is dedicated to his small patch of highway. defending it at all costs. done with pencil. last min woo dang
Lasse Jin Brøgger
He has a bit of a He-Man look, looking very hero like. Good job :)
Andrew Boucher
final submission above if that needs to be noted.
"Sokko" - The sock puppet hero Though Sokko is quite generic looking, I enjoyed making his simplistic fit. I had a few free hours this the week and found this prompt sweet!
radha goyal
this hero has single eyes, with no hands.
Dans Levide
Liked that composition a lot
Great rendering <3
A bit of a last minute project. Here we have hero Bitman against the mighty DogeWolf. Named after bitcoin and doge coin crypto currencies. The villainous Dogewolf is tired of Bitman having the number 1 spot!
Lasse Jin Brøgger
Nice! :)
Ronnie Jarrard
I hope these file sizes are fine. I literally just signed up! This contest sounded fun. I might be too late to enter, but I enjoyed this anyway. Second image is just my quick costume design for reference and the loose sketch.
Love the gesture
Lasse Jin Brøgger
I like seeing your sketches for this. The finish looks very good and have great gesture and expression :)
Fruit of the Boom! Alex went out to buy new undershirts but little did she realize that she bought a magic package cursed by a mischievous cantaloupe. Now she can control fruit with fruit telekinesis! Bad guys be ware or you might find yourself being pummeled with pomelos and slipping on a banana peel as you try to escape! Her catch phrase: "Crime doesn't pay but it gets two servings of fruit today!" (Watercolor and ink)
Lasse Jin Brøgger
"Do you want rotten or fresh fruit in your head?" :D Nice job:)
My character is called The Weedzard, some Gandhi Wannabe. His power is doing tai-chi that turns people into good vibrations so he can then sniff them and get stoned. "Shitsu Hirokaka or The Weedzard, as he would later be called, discovered he had miraculous tai-chi powers that could make people happy and boost longetivity at young age. In 1967, in the midst of the Cold War, and suffering alienation growing up from being half-Japanese in the United States post-war, he found comfort to his soul and felt connected to the music of The Beach Boys. He became convinced those surfer vibes should be «the vibes of America» and thus decided to form a religious cult, aiming to spread them in belief that it would bring world peace. In later years, having become a prominent figure of peace, the national agencies began vigilating him closely after the Manson incident, and with spreading awareness of his miraculous powers, he was eventually falsely flagged a communist with conspiracy charges that got him arrested by the end of 1969. Looking for any excuse to declare superiority against the Soviet rivals and with groundbreaking proof of his superpowers, the CIA program that held secret experiments with LSD formed the 1970 Esper Program and further confiscated and banned every book and article on the Chinese spiritual practice. He was held captive until 1985, when they desisted his confinement due to stagnation and lack of funding in research, and the efforts of the civil rights movement that manifested itself filling four blocks outside the White House. However, upon getting out, he would never be the same. Having grown detached from reality and beginning to lose the grasp of his mind due to the turturous experiments that were held on him for so long – yet with his objective still imprinted in his mind – he discovered that upon casting a big portion of his power into his feet’s little toe, he could turn people into a glittered curtain of pink smoke with effects similar to cannabis’, just the same as weed-tai-chi. He must now spread those “Good Vibrations” and stop the biggest threat he’s ever faced: Obomi, who threatens to turn the presidential elections into a Shakespearean musical!" This took me out of my comfort zone and got me to paint a drawing with this much effort for the first time, what's worse, a traditional-digital hybrid. I never win stuff but hope my character made you laugh.
Lasse Jin Brøgger
What a creative story. Really good job! :D
Leandro Cabrio
Asked for help
Greetings =D "Did you ever wonder what is your cat doing when you can't find 'em? Some people say cats only care about themselves… But they don't know, that your pet is constantly saving your life from the shadows... (You are welcome.)" Did my best with the time and knowledge I had. =D I'm trying really hard to improve, any advice or feedback is welcome. Thanks for the time!
Lasse Jin Brøgger
Aaww, he is so cute. Great idea and great render. I was thinking, if he had a spaceship it could be as a little box. Cats loves small boxes. And sunbeams could be his weakness :D Great job!
Lucian Acatrinei
Marsha Pickett
Engaging...good work
Lucian Acatrinei
thank you
This is delightful. Wonderfully drawn!
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