Galileah Hankins
Galileah Hankins
Activity Feed
Mira Sand
My reference, sketch and final submission for my unexpected hero, my grandma and her sidekick-my cat.
Galileah Hankins
Aw, how sweet! And really well done
Im pretty new to proko, and I wanted to get better at drawing figures the way I imagine them. Ive done some quick 30 second gesture sketches from images i found online. I think I need improve the proportions. Any recommendations? Thanks!
Galileah Hankins
Awesome! Welcome. The best thing is to just keep drawing!
Jahsee Mullings
These are my practices on how to draw cylinders and boxes. I even tried my best to manipulate them. I have been having problems on how to draw cones from above. Could someone explain how to do this please. Thanks for the critiques🥇🧨🥇
Galileah Hankins
Hey Jahsee! Great grind on these! I think what helps me to draw cones from above is to think about what they are, one very narrow point extending down or up to a rounded larger base. So try starting with that base or point, and drawing a line from the center. Shorter lines indicate that the cone is being viewed more from the top. Also, the base becomes more circular (as opposed to elliptical) the closer you are viewing to the top. You can also use a 4 sided pyramid to visualize. Here is a quick kind of sloppy example of what I mean. Hope that helps!!
Galileah Hankins
Here is my go at the assignment. I am getting back into drawing after a long hiatus and this time I want to be consistent with these awesome courses. Critiques very welcome!
Serena Marenco
Uh, I know what it's like to come back after a long break (I spent seven years working almost exclusively in graphics and starting over was quite a challenge). Well, although it's a restart I'd say you've kept a good hand, maybe a bit heavy but that's just a matter of getting used to holding the pencil again. :)
Bradwynn Jones
Really good flow and you seem to understand the concept of gesture. I'd try to find opportunities to treat the torso and leg as a single flowing shape more. Maybe avoiding the addition of contour bumps like in the hip on the stretching flowing side of the long standing poses. Looks really good though! Nice work
Nicole Lee
Nice drawings! The figures have CSI curves nicely implemented throughout the whole body. Below are some quick suggestions: -Try to avoid parallel or symmetrical lines on torsos and legs to make the gesture drawing more dynamic. -When arms are straight or slightly bent, it usually can form a smooth curve from upper to lower arm. Try drawing that long curve first before filling in the details. That can make the gesture curve of the arm smoother!
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