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Mira Sand
added comment inAugust Proko Challenge - Unexpected Superheroes with Ryan Benjamin
Asked for help
My reference, sketch and final submission for my unexpected hero, my grandma and her sidekick-my cat.
Asked for help
Im pretty new to proko, and I wanted to get better at drawing figures the way I imagine them. Ive done some quick 30 second gesture sketches from images i found online. I think I need improve the proportions. Any recommendations? Thanks!
Jahsee Mullings
Asked for help
These are my practices on how to draw cylinders and boxes. I even tried my best to manipulate them.
I have been having problems on how to draw cones from above. Could someone explain how to do this please.
Thanks for the critiques🥇🧨🥇
Galileah Hankins
Asked for help
Here is my go at the assignment. I am getting back into drawing after a long hiatus and this time I want to be consistent with these awesome courses. Critiques very welcome!